


离开我吧,我的责备者,看在爱的份上,它把你的灵魂和你所爱的人的灵魂结合在一起;为了那连结精神与母爱,连结心灵与孝心的爱。走吧,让我独自哭泣。让我在梦的海洋里航行;等到明天来吧,因为明天可以随心所欲地处置我。你的躺卧不过是影子,带着灵魂走向羞耻的坟墓,让我听见冰冷而坚实的大地。我有一颗小小的心,我想把他从监牢里带出来,捧在我的手掌上,深入地考察他,探知他的秘密。不要把你的箭对准他,以免他受惊而消失,在他把秘密的血倒在他自己信仰的祭坛上作为祭品,这是神在用爱和美丽塑造他的时候给他的。太阳正在升起,夜莺在歌唱,桃金娘在向天空呼出芬芳。我想把自己从错误的沉睡中解放出来。 Do not Detain me, my blamer! Cavil me not by mention of the Lions of the forest or the Snakes of the valley, for Me soul knows no fear of earth and Accepts no warning of evil before Evil comes. Advise me not, my blamer, for Calamities have opened my heart and Tears have cleanses my eyes, and Errors have taught me the language Of the hearts. Talk not of banishment, for conscience Is my judge and he will justify me And protect me if I am innocent, and Will deny me of life if I am a criminal. Love's procession is moving; Beauty is waving her banner; Youth is sounding the trumpet of joy; Disturb not my contrition, my blamer. Let me walk, for the path is rich With roses and mint, and the air Is scented with cleanliness. Relate not the tales of wealth and Greatness, for my soul is rich With bounty and great with God's glory. Speak not of peoples and laws and Kingdoms, for the whole earth is My birthplace and all humans are My brothers. Go from me, for you are taking away Life - giving repentance and bringing Needless words.