


一位虔诚的牧师(他的名字叫约翰),除了收成好的时候,他很少讲道;他不需要任何准备就取得了胜利,受到了人们的钦佩。还有一点,他说得很好,虽然他不愿多谈,这一点,现在的孩子们都很清楚,我也不必多说:约翰对这些事情的感觉是如此清楚,他的妻子和丈夫们都在寻找他,他们把他的知识看得很重要,并对他的贤明的忠告很重视。无论他找到什么样的良心,无论他倾向于温和的快乐和轻松的方式,他都要亲自严格遵守,并设法充当忏悔者和朋友的角色;即使是他的副牧师,他也不愿把这些交给他;但他热心地想让他们放松,无论在哪里,他都会给予应有的关注,因为他认为,神总是应该最彻底地了解他们的羊群,并四处巡视;教导人,阐明真理。在他拜访过的居民中,有一个是用铁锹的邻居彼得;一个村民,上帝没有给他土地,只给了他一双手,让他去挖掘和挖掘,用锄头获得足够的妻儿养活。你还可以从他的配偶身上看到青春的魅力; The weather injured solely had her face, But not the features which were perfect yet: Some wish perhaps more blooming belles to get; The rustick truly me would ne'er have pleased; But such are oft by country parsons seized, Who low amours and dishes coarse admire, That palates more refined would not desire. THE pastor John would often on her leer, just as a cur, when store of bones are near, That would good pickings for his teeth afford, Attentively behold the precious hoard, And seem uneasy; move his feet and tail; Now prick his ears; then fear he can't prevail, The eyes still fixed upon the bite in sight, Which twenty times to these affords delight, Ere to his longing jaws the boon arrives, However anxiously the suitor strives. SELF-TORMENTS solely parson John obtained; By seeing her that o'er his senses reigned. The village-wife was innocent of this, And never dreamed of any thing amiss; The pastor's mystick looks, nor flatt'ring ways; Nor presents, aught in Magdalene could raise; But nosegays made of thyme, and marj'ram too, Were dropt on ground, or never kept in view; A hundred little cares appeared as naught 'Twas Welch to her, and ne'er conveyed a thought. A pleasant stratagem he now contrived, From which, he hoped, success might be derived. MOST clearly Peter was a heavy lout, Yet truly I could never have a doubt, That rashly he would ne'er himself commit, Though folly 'twere from him to look for wit, Or aught expect by questioning to find 'Yond this to reason, he was not designed. THE rector to him said, thou'rt poor, my friend, And hast not half enough for food to spend, With other things that necessary prove, If we below with comfort wish to move. Some day I'll show thee how thou may'st procure The means that will thy happiness insure, And make thee feel contented as a king. To me what present for it wilt thou bring? ZOOKS! Peter answered, parson, I desire, You'll me direct to do as you require; My labour pray command; 'tis all I've got; Our pig howe'er to you we can allot, We want it not; and truly it has eat More bran than thrice this vessel would complete; The cow you'll take besides, from which my wife A calf expects, to raise the means of life. No, no, the pastor with a smile replied, A recompense for this thou'lt not provide; My neighbour to oblige is all I heed; And now I'll tell thee how thou must proceed; Thy spouse, by magick, I'll transform each day, And turn her to a mare for cart or dray, And then again restore her ev'ry night, To human form to give thy heart delight. From this to thee great profit will arise; Thy ass, so slow is found, that when supplies, It carries to the market, 'tis so late, The hour is almost past ere at the gate, And then thy cabbages, and herbs, and roots, Provisions, provender, and wares and fruits, Remain unsold, and home to spoil are brought, Since rarely far from thence such things are sought. But when thy wife's a mare, she'll faster go: Strong, active, ev'ry way her worth she'll show, And home will come without expense in meat: No soup nor bread, but solely herbs she'll eat: SAID Peter, parson, clearly you are wise; From learning, what advantages arise! Is this pray sold?--If I'd much money got, To make the purchase I'd the cash allot. CONTINUED John:--now I will thee instruct, The proper manner, matters to conduct, For thee to have a clever mare by day, And still at night a charming wife surv