


我们被告知,曾经的鞋匠,BLASE的名字;有一个妻子,她的魅力是如此之高的名声;但碰巧,他们的钱花光了,这对诚实的夫妇就去找了一个邻居,一个做生意的玉米商人,不太聪明,他们毫不掩饰地告诉他事实;他用含混的声音,表示关切地恳求,他这个小麦的主人,在他们的音符上,能少给他们半格,他欣然地给了,他想要的一切好处都要放弃。付款的时间到了;使用的钱;我们不会拒绝付现金;他谈到令状、律师和苦难;原因是——天知道,你也可以猜想;简而言之,很明显,我们那位快活的绅士想要给那位美丽得人人羡慕的妻子加油打气。 SAID he, what anxiously I wish to get, You've plenty stored, and never wanted yet; You surely know my meaning?--Yes, she cried; I'll turn it in my mind, and we'll decide How best to act. Away she quickly flew, And Blase informed, what Ninny had in view. Zounds! said the cobbler, we must see, my dear, To hook this little sum:--the way is clear; No risk I'm confident; for prithee run And tell him I've a journey just begun; That he may hither come and have his will; But 'ere he touch thy lips, demand the bill; He'll not refuse the boon I'm very sure; Meantime, myself I'll hide and all secure. The note obtained, cough loudly, strong, and clear; Twice let it be, that I may plainly hear; Then forth I'll sally from my lurking place, And, spite of folly's frowns, prevent disgrace. THE, plot succeeded as the pair desired; The cobbler laughed, and ALL his scheme admired: A purse-proud cit thereon observed and swore; 'Twere better to have coughed when all was o'er; Then you, all three, would have enjoyed your wish, And been in future all as mute as fish. OH! sir, replied the cobbler's wife at ease, Do you suppose that use can hope to please, And like your ladies full of sense appear? (For two were seated with his wedded dear Perhaps my lady 'd act as you describe, But ev'ry one such prudence don't imbibe..