


模仿罗的歌谣“在清溪旁绝望”等。梅兰塔在一棵半烂的木头旁静静地坐了下来,心里明白她的计划并不好,又为不能进城而烦恼。虽然没有一个活人同情她,她却不得不对自己回答,而麻雀,像猫头鹰一样严肃,坐在那里,拼命地啄着。“唉!我真是个傻丫头!”她这样伤心地抱怨着,哭了起来;“当我第一次离开那个可爱的地方的时候,我还不如死了呢!”我多么快乐地度过了漫长的日子,终日欢天喜地;公园,参观,集会,和戏剧,和一个舞蹈来活跃夜晚。“我是多么容易相信虚幻的诗意的梦啊! Or the flattering landscapes they give Of meadows and murmuring streams. Bleak mountains, and cold starving rocks, Are the wretched result of my pains; The swains greater brutes than their flocks, The nymphs as polite as the swains. "What though I have got my dear Phil; I see him all night and all day; I find I must not have my will, And I've cursedly sworn to obey! Fond damsel, thy power is lost, As now I experience too late! Whatever a lover may boast, A husband is what one may hate! "And thou, my old woman, so dear, My all that is left of relief, Whatever I suffer, forbear -- Forbear to dissuade me from grief: 'Tis in vain, as you say, to repine At ills which cannot be redress'd; But, in sorrows so poignant as mine, To be patient, alas! is a jest. "If, further to soothe my distress, Your tender compassion is led, Come hither and help to undress, And decently put me to bed. The last humble solace I wait, Would Heav'n but indulge me the boon, May some dream, less unkind than my fate, In a vision transport me to Town. "Clarissa, meantime, weds a beau, Who decks her in golden array: She's the finest at ev'ry fine show, And flaunts it at Park and at Play: Whilst I am here left in the lurch, Forgot and secluded from view; Unless when some bumpkin at church Stares wistfully over the pew."