


罗克珊娜从宫廷里退了出来,在圣·詹姆斯的门口,叹息着她那温柔的忧伤:这样沉重的思想在她的胸膛里沉思着,她自己的主席,没有比这更沉重的压迫;他们呻吟着他们注定要承受的残酷的负担;她用这些温柔的声音表达了她的关心。”我戴上这些玫瑰,是为了这个吗?“为了我头发上的新珠宝?”啊!公主!我是多么热诚地追求啊!”差点忘了一个正经人的职责。”我想我永远不会太早去参加,“我已经错过了祈祷,在中午之前穿好衣服。”为了你,啊! what for Thee did I resign ? " My Pleasures, Passions, all that e'er was mine. " I sacrific'd both Modesty and Ease, " Left Operas, and went to filthy Plays ; " Double entendres shock'd my tender ear, " Yet even this for Thee I chose to bear. " In glowing youth, when nature bids be gay, " And ev'ry joy of life before me lay, " By honour prompted, and by pride restrain'd, " The pleasures of the young my soul disdain'd : " Sermons I sought, and with a mien severe " Censur'd my neighbours, and said daily pray'r. " Alas ! how chang'd! -- with the same sermon mien " That once I pray'd, the What-d'ye call't I've seen. " Ah ! cruel Princess, for thy sake I've lost " That reputation which so dear had cost : " I, who avoided ev'ry publick place, " When bloom, and beauty bid me show my face ; " Now near Thee constant ev'ry night abide " With never-failing duty by thy side, " Myself and daughters standing on a row, " To all the foreigners a goodly show ! " Oft had your drawing-room been sadly thin, " And merchants wives close by the chair had been seen ; " Had not I amply fill'd the empty space, " And sav'd your Highness from the dire disgrace. " Yet COQUETILLA's artifice prevails, " When all my merit and my duty fails : " That COQUETILLA, whose deluding airs " Corrupts our virgins, and our youth ensnares ; " So sunk her character, so lost her fame, " Scarce visited before your Highness came ; " Yet for the Bed-chamber 'tis Her you chuse, " When Zeal and Fame and Virtue you refuse. " Ah ! worthy choice ! not one of all your train " Whom censure blasts not, and dishonours stain. " Let the nice hind now suckle dirty pigs, " And the proud pea-hen snatch the cuckoo's eggs ! " Let IRIS leave her paint, and own her age, " And grave SUFFOLKIA wed a giddy page ! " A greater miracle is daily view'd, " A virtuous Princess with a court so lewd. " I know thee, Court ! with all thy treach'rous wiles, " Thy false caresses and undoing smiles ! " Ah ! Princess, learn'd in all the courtly arts " To cheat our hopes, and yet to gain our hearts. " Large lovely bribes are the great statesman's aim ; " And the neglected patriot follows fame. " The Prince is ogled ; some the King pursue ; " But your ROXANA only follows YOU. " Despis'd ROXANA, cease, and try to find " Some other, since the Princess proves unkind : " Perhaps it is not hard to find at court " If not a greater, a more firm support.