


小子,把痰盂擦干净。底特律,芝加哥,大西洋城,棕榈滩。清洁痰盂。酒店厨房里的蒸汽,酒店大厅里的烟雾,酒店痰盂里的黏液:我生活的一部分。嘿,小子!五分,一角,一美元,一天两美元。嘿,小子!五分硬币,一角硬币,一美元,两美元给婴儿买鞋。要付房租。星期六喝杜松子酒,星期天做礼拜。 My God! Babies and gin and church And women and Sunday All mixed with dimes and Dollars and clean spittoons And house rent to pay. Hey, boy! A bright bowl of brass is beautiful to the Lord. Bright polished brass like the cymbals Of King David?s dancers, Like the wine cups of Solomon. Hey, boy! A clean spittoon on the altar of the Lord. A clean bright spittoon all newly polished? At least I can offer that. Com?mere, boy!