


在黑人区,门是纸做的,脏原子的灰尘吹出沙哑的声音。无定形的南瓜灯跳来跳去,风不会等到午夜才把门吹倒。在河流和铁路旁,流动的远方,边界捆绑,散去,一阵呼啸的哨声。没有火车或汽船——然而莱昂泰恩正在打开行李。在黑人区,门把手能让利德比德国人进得更多,她昨天逝去的祖父——不是她自己做的——在一锅羽衣甘蓝菜里轻轻地炖着。手推车在超市的海洋里折叠展开。我们最好弄清楚,妈妈,既然我们搬到弗农山去了,有色洗衣店在哪里。在锅里开始纸门上的旧铁炉在煮什么?是什么味道,莱昂泰恩?利德,可爱的利德还有一片羽衣甘蓝绿。 Lovely Lieder, Leontyne. You know, right at Christmas They asked me if my blackness, Would it rub off? I said, Ask your mama. Dreams and nightmares! Nightmares, dreams, oh! Dreaming that the Negroes Of the South have taken over-- Voted all the Dixiecrats Right out of power-- Comes the COLORED HOUR: Martin Luther King is Governor of Georgia, Dr. Rufus Clement his Chief Adviser, A. Philip Randolph the High Grand Worthy. In white pillared mansions Sitting on their wide verandas, Wealthy Negroes have white servants, White sharecroppers work the black plantations, And colored children have white mammies: Mammy Faubus Mammy Eastland Mammy Wallace Dear, dear darling old white mammies-- Sometimes even buried with our family. Dear old Mammy Faubus! Culture, they say, is a two-way street: Hand me my mint julep, mammny. Hurry up! Make haste!