


你说我可以异地恋?什么时候可以?我的天啊,中环。我现在对那个黑人感到愤怒和厌恶。我不会付任何反收费的。你说我付钱,不然你就把我的手机拿走?你最好别碰我的手机。我没有让他给我打电话。罗斯科很清楚异地恋不是免费的。如果我抓到他,上帝,可怜可怜我吧! Calling me up From Kansas City. Just to say he loves me! I knowed that was so. Why didn't he tell me some'n I don't know? For instance, what can Them other girls do That Alberta K. Johnson Can't do--and more, too? What's that, Central? You say you don't care Nothing about my Private affair? Well, even less about your PHONE BILL, does I care! Un-humm-m! . . . Yes! You say I gave my O.K.? Well, that O.K. you may keep-- But I sure ain't gonna pay!