


很久很久以前,在“安静再见”的国度里,在过去那些奇妙的日子里,他们发现了一种盒子,用铁链捆着,用锁锁着,上面写着“请勿触摸;这是战争。”一项法令在四周颁布,所有的人都欢呼雀跃,一只色彩鲜艳的吉祥物在前面轻快地走着。别乱动这个致命的盒子,别弄断链条,别撬开锁。请永远不要玩弄战争。孩子们明白了。孩子们碰巧很乖,他们以前也一样乖。他们没想撬开锁也没想撬开那个致命的箱子。他们从未想过玩弄战争。妈妈们也不知道; sisters, aunts, grannies neither 'Cause they were quiet, and sweet, and pretty In those wondrous days of yore. Well, very much the same as now, And not the ones to blame somehow For opening up that deadly box of war. But someone did. Someone battered in the lid And spilled the insides out across the floor. A kind of bouncy, bumpy ball made up of guns and flags And all the tears, and horror, and death that comes with war. It bounced right out and went bashing all about, Bumping into everything in store.And what was sad and most unfair Was that it didn't really seem to care Much who it bumped, or why, or what, or for. It bumped the children mainly. And I'll tell you this quite plainly, It bumps them every day and more, and more, And leaves them dead, and burned, and dying Thousands of them sick and crying. 'Cause when it bumps, it's really very sore. Now there's a way to stop the ball. It isn't difficult at all. All it takes is wisdom, and I'm absolutely sure That we can get it back into the box,And bind the chains, and lock the locks. But no one seems to want to save the children anymore. Well, that's the way it all appears, 'cause it's been bouncing round for years and years In spite of all the wisdom wizzed since those wondrous days of yore And the time they came across the box, Bound up with chains and locked with locks, And labeled "Kindly do not touch; it's war."