


心灵的秘密,虽然是温顺的,却能辉煌地聚集在一起。要在内心意识到聪明和美丽,太容易辨认了。思想对思想的观察使一个人成为一只眼睛;将来是谁,双方都要决定。一种是只有头脑,另一种是有其他的思想,从远处看而不知道。当这些内心深处的景象公开地闪烁着,充分地诉说着,每个在家的人都绝望地摇着头,因为他们从来没有准备好看到自己,过早地看到了一个宇宙。无边的猜测在周围转来转去,头脑变得聪明了,因为他们自己的巨大在宇宙中被美化了,白痴大小的头骨在地上拼写着自然,而耳朵听错了方向,先报告回声,先听话语,再听声音,因为头脑安静,似乎晚了。耳朵把话语抄录在书本上,文字教会心灵自我无知。从嘴里涌出的词汇到一堆陌生的东西,对忠实的乡村来说,这是陌生的;一个国王,贫穷;一行人,谦卑。不承认的和虚假的地平线为头脑中的空间而自豪,本地人的头脑看到外面。惊奇的洪流从眼睛里涌出,一节课接一节课地回来。 The mind, shrunken of time, Overflows too soon. The complete vision is the same As when the world-wideness began Worlds to describe The excessiveness of man. But man's right portion rejects The surplus in the whole. This much, made secret first, Now makes The knowable, which was Thought's previous flesh, And gives instruction of substance to its intelligence As far as flesh itself, As bodies upon themselves to where Understanding is the head And the identity of breath and breathing are established And the voice opening to cry: I know, Closes around the entire declaration With this evidence of immortality— The total silence to say: I am dead. For death is all ugly, all lovely, Forbids mysteries to make Science of splendor, or any separate disclosing Of beauty to the mind out of body's book That page by page flutters a world in fragments, Permits no scribbling in of more Where spaces are, Only to look. Body as Body lies more than still. The rest seems nothing and nothing is If nothing need be. But if need be, Thought not divided anyway Answers itself, thinking All open and everything. Dead is the mind that parted each head. But now the secrets of the mind convene Without pride, without pain To any onlookers. What they ordain alone Cannot be known The ordinary way of eyes and ears But only prophesied If an unnatural mind, refusing to divide, Dies immediately Of too plain beauty Foreseen within too suddenly, And lips break open of astonishment Upon the living mouth and rehearse Death, that seems a simple verse And, of all ways to know, Dead or alive, easiest.