
Lew Welch

  • 时间1926 - 1971
  • 的地方
  • 国家美国


卢·韦尔奇1926年8月16日出生在亚利桑那州凤凰城,父母是刘易斯·巴雷特·韦尔奇和多萝西·布朗菲尔德·韦尔奇。韦尔奇夫人是凤凰城一位富有的外科医生的女儿。韦尔奇的妹妹出生后,他父母的婚姻破裂了,多萝西·韦尔奇于1929年把家搬到了加利福尼亚。韦尔奇当时只有三岁,在他童年的大部分时间里,他的母亲在加利福尼亚的各个城镇之间搬家。他曾就读于圣莫尼卡、科罗纳多、拉梅萨和埃尔卡洪的学校。韦尔奇在帕洛阿尔托完成了高中学业。韦尔奇于1948年进入里德学院(Reed College),次年与加里·斯奈德(Gary Snyder)一起搬进了一所房子;第二年,菲利普·惠伦也加入了他们。1949年秋,韦尔奇成为学校文学杂志的联合编辑,并不断写作。他的毕业论文是关于格特鲁德·斯坦的,并于1950年毕业。 For a number of years Welch showed his poetry only to close friends. With the emergence of the Beat movement, however, Welch's friends Philip Whalen and Gary Snyder began receiving national attention. Welch's desire to devote himself completely to his poetry was revived. He transferred to the Oakland office of Montgomery Ward and soon became a part of the San Francisco poetry scene. In 1958 he was fired from his job. His marriage fell apart soon after. At the same time, however, Welch's poetry was beginning to meet with some success. Donald Allen included one of Welch's poems in The New American Poetry - the important anthology published in 1960. That same year Welch's first book, Wobbly Rock, was published. He was drinking heavily during this time, but he continued to write extensively. For a time he lived with his mother in Reno, Nevada, and then in a cabin in the Trinity Alps. He moved back to San Francisco in 1963, and in 1965 published three books. In 1965, Welch began teaching a poetry workshop offered through the Extension program of the University of California at Berkeley. Despite his burgeoning success, Welch's bouts with depression and heavy drinking continued. After the breakup of another relationship in 1971 Welch returned to the mountains. On May 23, 1971, Gary Snyder went up to Welch's campsite and found a suicide note in Welch's truck. Despite an extensive search, Welch's body was never recovered.