


我们不要隋公珍贵的珍珠,也不要何师傅无价的玉盘。我们只是想知道我们祖国的近况。灵光宫一定还在,周围一片荒芜。那些深埋在草丛中的石像怎么样了,它们仍然守护着皇陵?难道我们留在被占领土上的人民还在种桑树和大麻吗?蛮族的后卫军真的只在城墙上巡逻吗?这位寡妇的父亲和祖父都出生在山东。虽然他们从未担任过高官,但他们的名声却广为流传。我记得他们在城门口与其他学者进行了热烈的讨论。听众们挤得满头大汗。 Their offspring crossed the Yangtze River to the South many years ago. Drifting in the rapids, they mingled with refugees. I send blood-stained tears to the mountains and rivers of home, And sprinkle a cup of earth on East Mountain. I imagine when Your Lordship, His Majesty's envoy, upholding the Imperial spirit, passes through our two capitals, K'ai Feng and Lo Yang, Thousands of people would line the streets and present tea and broth to welcome you.... Announce that the Emperor's heart aches for the suffering people--- they are his own children. Let them understand that the Will of Heaven remembers all living beings. Our sagacious Emperor offers his trust which is as brilliant as the sun. There is no need to negotiate many times after the long chaos of the years.