


海员们讲述着东部的布利斯岛,它消失在雾蒙蒙的海浪中。但是南方的天空,越人说,可以透过云的缝隙看到。这片天空的土地,横跨天界;它高耸于五山之上,高耸于猩红城堡之上,而四万八千英尺高的天台峰则向东南倾斜,仿佛摇摇欲坠。于是,我怀着对吴越南国的向往,在一个月下的夜晚飞过镜湖。湖中的月亮跟着我的飞行,跟着我来到阴池镇。这里仍然矗立着谢公府。我看到绿色的水在卷曲,听到猴子的尖叫声。我穿上王子的木屐,爬上云梯向天空飞去,在天墙的半空中,我看见了早晨的太阳,听到了天上的公鸡在半空中啼叫。在千山万水的峭壁间,我的路绕来绕去; Flowers choked the path; I leaned against a rock; I swooned. Roaring bears and howling dragons roused me? Oh, the clamorous waters of the rapids! I trembled in the deep forest, and shuddered at the overhanging crags, one heaped upon another. Clouds on clouds gathered above, threatening rain; The waters gushed below, breaking into mist. A peal of blasting thunder! The mountains crumbled. The stone gate of the hollow heaven Opened wide, revealing A vasty realm of azure without bottom, Sun and moon shining together on gold and silver palaces. Clad in rainbow and riding on the wind, The ladies of the air descended like flower, flakes; The faery lords trooping in, they were thick as hemp-stalks in the fields. Phoenix birds circled their cars, and panthers played upon harps. Bewilderment filled me, and terror seized on my heart. I lifted myself in amazement, and alas! I woke and found my bed and pillow? Gone was the radiant world of gossamer. So with all pleasures of life. All things pass with the east-flowing water. I leave you and go?when shall I return? Let the white roe feed at will among the green crags, Let me ride and visit the lovely mountains! How can I stoop obsequiously and serve the mighty ones! It stifles my soul.