


城市里有裂缝?在那条尖利的街道上,一对对的,武装的,流浪汉在打拍子。一个中国人的脸俯视着布罗根?莱恩,布罗根?莱恩,布罗根?一个摇摇晃晃的月亮在布罗根上空闪烁?年代的车道。闪电侠弗雷德,当他潜入红色停车场时,偷偷溜走吗?和波兰犹太人一起去莫斯科。Tho吗?在老夏洛克的注视下,他需要吗?别抱怨,布罗根的大熔炉在冒泡?莱恩,布罗根?莱恩,布罗根?巷,从他们的朋友布罗根老鼠捏?年代的车道。 And Jenny, fresh down from the country, goes gay And drives to the races and laughs at the play; Till one morn, lying out in the cold and the rain, A body is perished in Brogan?s Lane, Brogan?s Lane, Brogan?s Lane, There?s only one turn to the long last lane. With opium dens, sly cribs, bones and rags, ?Tis the haunt of thieves, wastrels, poor women and vags. They booze to bring joy, they sin to numb pain, But there?ll come a stretch at the end of the lane, Brogan?s Lane, Brogan?s Lane, The river and morgue shadow Brogan?s Lane.