


首先,我要说的是,我们常称之为智力的心灵,它是人的组成部分,就像手、脚和眼睛是整个生命的组成部分一样。但有些人认为,心灵的感觉不是固定的部分,而是身体的一种生命状态——希腊人称之为“和谐”,因为我们生活在感觉之中,虽然智力不在任何部分;正如人们常说身体健康(然而,健康并不是拥有健康的人的一部分),他们也同样认为心灵的感觉并不在人的固定部分。他们似乎大错特错。可触可见的身体常常是病态的,然而在某些看不见的地方,我们却感到快乐;反之,心里痛苦的人,全身照样感到快乐——就像脚痛而头不痛一样。此外,当我们的四肢安睡,沉重的身躯毫无知觉地躺在那里时,我们心中还有一种别样的东西,在那时候,它以一种聪明的姿态活跃起来,接受一切欢乐的运动和心中虚幻的忧虑。既然我们知道人的肢体里也住着灵魂和肉体,那我们就决不会因为一种“和谐”而感到感觉。我们首先要记住这一点:肉体虽已消逝,生命却还留在我们的四肢上;然而,同样的生命,当热的微粒虽然很少,却散了出去,空博金宝官网气从嘴里散发出去的时候,就会立刻离开血管,留下骨头。这样,你就可以知道,并非所有的粒子都扮演着相同的角色,也不是以相同的方博金宝官网式,都是幸福和安全的支柱;相反,那些——风和呼气的种子是温暖的——要小心,使我们的成员生命永存。因此,在我们的身体里有一种生命的热和风,它在死亡时抛弃了我们的框架。 And so, since nature of mind And even of soul is found to be, as 'twere, A part of man, give over "harmony"- Name to musicians brought from Helicon,- Unless themselves they filched it otherwise, To serve for what was lacking name till then. Whate'er it be, they're welcome to it- thou, Hearken my other maxims. Mind and soul, I say, are held conjoined one with other, And form one single nature of themselves; But chief and regnant through the frame entire Is still that counsel which we call the mind, And that cleaves seated in the midmost breast. Here leap dismay and terror; round these haunts Be blandishments of joys; and therefore here The intellect, the mind. The rest of soul, Throughout the body scattered, but obeys- Moved by the nod and motion of the mind. This, for itself, sole through itself, hath thought; This for itself hath mirth, even when the thing That moves it, moves nor soul nor body at all. And as, when head or eye in us is smit By assailing pain, we are not tortured then Through all the body, so the mind alone Is sometimes smitten, or livens with a joy, Whilst yet the soul's remainder through the limbs And through the frame is stirred by nothing new. But when the mind is moved by shock more fierce, We mark the whole soul suffering all at once Along man's members: sweats and pallors spread Over the body, and the tongue is broken, And fails the voice away, and ring the ears, Mists blind the eyeballs, and the joints collapse,- Aye, men drop dead from terror of the mind. Hence, whoso will can readily remark That soul conjoined is with mind, and, when 'Tis strook by influence of the mind, forthwith In turn it hits and drives the body too. And this same argument establisheth That nature of mind and soul corporeal is: For when 'tis seen to drive the members on, To snatch from sleep the body, and to change The countenance, and the whole state of man To rule and turn,- what yet could never be Sans contact, and sans body contact fails- Must we not grant that mind and soul consist Of a corporeal nature?- And besides Thou markst that likewise with this body of ours Suffers the mind and with our body feels. If the dire speed of spear that cleaves the bones And bares the inner thews hits not the life, Yet follows a fainting and a foul collapse, And, on the ground, dazed tumult in the mind, And whiles a wavering will to rise afoot. So nature of mind must be corporeal, since From stroke and spear corporeal 'tis in throes. Now, of what body, what components formed Is this same mind I will go on to tell. First, I aver, 'tis superfine, composed Of tiniest particles- that such the fact Thou canst perceive, if thou attend, from this: Nothing is seen to happen with such speed As what the mind proposes and begins; Therefore