


现在我踏着他的足迹,循着他的推理,用他的宣言教导万物所立的约,万物如何遵守这约,它们如何不能凌驾于万古不变的法令之上——如何(正如我们所发现的),在世间万物中,心灵是如何存在的,它是如何创造的,它是如何毫发无损地在万古之间生存的,为什么在睡梦中,我们看到的似乎是一个已逝的人,而那些偶像般的幻影却愚弄了我们的理智。到目前为止,我们已经走了;我的计划的顺序现在已经把我带到了一定的地步,我必须报告宇宙是如何由一个在时间里诞生的凡人组成的,以及这些集合在一起的东西是如何形成大地、天空、海洋、星星、太阳和月球的;然后是什么样的生物从古老的大地上冒出来,什么样的生物根本就没有出生;人类是怎样开始给自己的事物命名的,并且使用不同人的语言;在他们的胸中,以什么样的方式孕育着对神的敬畏,这种敬畏使世界各地的神像、祭坛、树林、湖泊和诸神的偶像成为神圣。我还要弄清楚掌舵的大自然用什么力量指引太阳和月亮的轨迹,免得我们误以为它们是出于自己的自由意志,常年绕着它们的轨道旋转,定时运动,以增加庄稼和生物的数量,免得我们误以为它们是在上帝的安排下滚动的。即使那些人充分了解到神性导致长寿免费医疗,如果但同时他们想计划什么事情可以在高(主要是你事情观察o 'erhead飘渺的海岸),再次是匆忙回到旧宗教的恐惧和采用严厉的大师,被视为全能的,可怜的男人,不知情的什么可以,什么不能,什么法律规定每个范围,其边界石头,如此之深。至于其余的,免得我们用空洞的诺言把你在这里耽搁得更久——看,在一切之前,海洋,陆地,天空:哦,弥弥斯,它们的三合一的本性,看,它们的身体有三,三个不同的方面,三个巨大的轮廓,一天之内就会湮灭! Then shall crash That massive form and fabric of the world Sustained so many aeons! Nor do I Fail to perceive how strange and marvellous This fact must strike the intellect of man,- Annihilation of the sky and earth That is to be,- and with what toil of words 'Tis mine to prove the same; as happens oft When once ye offer to man's listening ears Something before unheard of, but may not Subject it to the view of eyes for him Nor put it into hand- the sight and touch, Whereby the opened highways of belief Lead most directly into human breast And regions of intelligence. But yet I will speak out. The fact itself, perchance, Will force belief in these my words, and thou Mayst see, in little time, tremendously With risen commotions of the lands all things Quaking to pieces- which afar from us May she, the steersman Nature, guide: and may Reason, O rather than the fact itself, Persuade us that all things can be o'erthrown And sink with awful-sounding breakage down! But ere on this I take a step to utter Oracles holier and soundlier based Than ever the Pythian pronounced for men From out the tripod and the Delphian laurel, I will unfold for thee with learned words Many a consolation, lest perchance, Still bridled by religion, thou suppose Lands, sun, and sky, sea, constellations, moon, Must dure forever, as of frame divine- And so conclude that it is just that those, (After the manner of the Giants), should all Pay the huge penalties for monstrous crime, Who by their reasonings do overshake The ramparts of the universe and wish There to put out the splendid sun of heaven, Branding with mortal talk immortal things- Though these same things are even so far removed From any touch of deity and seem So far unworthy of numbering with the gods, That well they may be thought to furnish rather A goodly instance of the sort of things That lack the living motion, living sense. For sure 'tis quite beside the mark to think That judgment and the nature of the mind In any kind of body can exist- Just as in ether can't exist a tree, Nor clouds in the salt sea, nor in the fields Can fishes live, nor blood in timber be, Nor sap in boulders: fixed and arranged Where everything may grow and have its place. Thus nature of mind cannot arise alone Without the body, nor have its being far