


现在轮到剩下的了!-既然我已经知道万物是怎样经过这浩瀚世界的蓝色区域的,-我们怎么能知道是什么力量和原因开始了太阳和月亮的各种轨迹,以及它们是如何屈服于被阻挡的光线,用阴影笼罩着毫无防备的大地的,当它们眨眼的时候,然后又睁开眼睛审视着所有的区域,我现在要回到世界的原始时代,告诉大地的柔软的年轻的田野,最早的分娩,第一次命令在空气中养育到光明的海岸,并托付给任性的风。起初,大地在群山周围,在整个平原上,生出了青草和闪闪发光的绿色;繁花似锦的草地泛着绿色的光芒,然后,你看,各种各样的树木都有了一种强烈的冲动,要自由地向空中射击。就像羽毛、毛发和鬃毛首先长在四英尺的动物身上,然后长在强壮翅膀的动物身上,这样,新的地球首先长出了草和灌木,然后又产生了人类的后代,在不同的方式下,以无数的方式,繁衍生息。因为这些会呼吸的生物从来不会从天上掉下来,陆地上的生物也从来不会从海盐池里爬上来。大地的名字“母亲”是多么名副其实啊!因为人都是从地而生。直到现在,还有多少生物从壤土中生长出来——被雨水和太阳的热量凝结在一起。因此,如果它们在很久以前就涌现出来,数量更多,体型更大,在大地和天空的年轻岁月中成熟起来,也就不足为奇了。 First of all, the race Of the winged ones and parti-coloured birds, Hatched out in spring-time, left their eggs behind; As now-a-days in summer tree-crickets Do leave their shiny husks of own accord, Seeking their food and living. Then it was This earth of thine first gave unto the day The mortal generations; for prevailed Among the fields abounding hot and wet. And hence, where any fitting spot was given, There 'gan to grow womb-cavities, by roots Affixed to earth. And when in ripened time The age of the young within (that sought the air And fled earth's damps) had burst these wombs, O then Would Nature thither turn the pores of earth And make her spurt from open veins a juice Like unto milk; even as a woman now Is filled, at child-bearing, with the sweet milk, Because all that swift stream of aliment Is thither turned unto the mother-breasts. There earth would furnish to the children food; Warmth was their swaddling cloth, the grass their bed Abounding in soft down. Earth's newness then Would rouse no dour spells of the bitter cold, Nor extreme heats nor winds of mighty powers- For all things grow and gather strength through time In like proportions; and then earth was young. Wherefore, again, again, how merited Is that adopted name of Earth- The Mother!- Since she herself begat the human race, And at one well-nigh fixed time brought forth Each breast that ranges raving round about Upon the mighty mountains and all birds Aerial with many a varied shape. But, lo, because her bearing years must end, She ceased, like to a woman worn by eld. For lapsing aeons change the nature of The whole wide world, and all things needs must take One status after other, nor aught persists Forever like itself. All things depart; Nature she changeth all, compelleth all To transformation. Lo, this moulders down, A-slack with weary eld, and that, again, Prospers in glory, issuing from contempt. In suchwise, then, the lapsing aeons change The nature of the whole wide world, and earth Taketh one status after other. And what She bore of old, she now can bear no longer, And what she never bore, she can to-day. In those days also the telluric world Strove to beget the monsters that upsprung With their astounding visages and limbs- The Man-woman- a thing betwixt the twain, Yet neither, and from either sex remote- Some gruesome Boggles orphaned of the feet, Some widowed of the hands, dumb Horrors too Without a mouth, or blind Ones of no eye, Or Bulks all shackled by their legs and arms Cleaving unto the body fore and aft, Thuswise, that never could they do or go, Nor shun disaster, nor take the good they would. And other prodigies and monsters earth Was then begetting of this sort- in vain, Since Nature ba