


向上帝的爱致敬,它开始了拯救堕落的人的计划;无与伦比的,自由的,永恒的恩典,给了我灵魂一个藏身之处。我高举双手与主宰天空的上帝抗争;他不顾别人对他的称呼,骄傲得找不到藏身之处。我裹在埃及的黑夜里,爱黑暗胜过爱光明,我疯狂地奔跑着罪恶的种族,没有藏身之处。但永恒的忠告是这样的:全能的爱逮捕那个人;我感到痛苦的箭矢,却发现自己无处藏身。义愤填膺的正义站在眼前,我飞向新浪的火山;但正义皱着眉头喊道:这座山不是藏身之处。不一会儿,我听到了天上的声音,上帝的天使出现了,她带着我平静的步伐,把我带到耶稣那里,作为我的藏身之处。 Should storms of sevenfold thunder roll, And shake the globe from pole to pole, No flaming bolt should daunt my face, For Jesus is my Hiding-Place. On him almighty vengeance fell, That must have sunk the world to hell: He bore it for the chosen race, And thus became their Hiding-Place. A few more rolling suns at most, Shall land us on fair Canaan's coast, Where we shall sing the song of grace, And see our glorious Hiding-Place.