

  • 时间1936 -
  • 的地方底特律
  • 国家美国


皮尔西出生在密歇根州底特律的一个深受大萧条影响的家庭。她是家里第一个上大学的人,就读于密歇根大学。1957年,她获得了霍普伍德诗歌和小说奖,这使她得以完成大学学业,并在法国度过了一段时间,她的正规教育以西北大学的文学硕士学位结束。她的第一本诗集《破营》于1968年出版。皮尔西早年是一个冷漠的学生,在她童年中期患风湿热时,她对书产生了热爱,除了读书,她什么也做不了。“它告诉我,那里有一个不同的世界,那里的地平线与我所看到的完全不同,”她在1984年接受《连线》(Wired)采访时说。截至2004年,她写了17本诗集,其中包括《月亮永远是女性》(1980年,被认为是女权主义经典)和《祝福的艺术》(1999年),以及15本小说,一部戏剧(《最后的白人阶级》,与她的第三任也是现任丈夫艾拉·伍德合著),一本散文集(《被子上的彩色块》),一本非小说类书籍和一本回忆录。她的小说和诗歌经常关注女权主义或社会问题,尽管她的背景各不相同。《玻璃之躯》(在美国以“他,她和它”出版)是一部获得阿瑟·克拉克奖的科幻小说,《黑暗之城,光明之城》的背景是法国大革命时期。她的其他小说,如《夏人》和《女人的渴望》都是以现代为背景的。 All of her books share a focus on women's lives. Woman on the Edge of Time (1976) mixes a time travel story with issues of social justice, feminism, and the treatment of the mentally ill. This novel is considered a classic of utopian "speculative" science fiction as well as a feminist classic. William Gibson has credited Woman on the Edge of Time as the birthplace of Cyberpunk. Piercy tells this in an introduction to Body of Glass. Body of Glass (He, She and It) (1991) postulates an environmentally ruined world dominated by sprawling mega-cities and a futuristic version of the Internet, through which Piercy weaves elements of Jewish mysticism and the legend of the Golem, although a key story element is the main character's attempts to regain custody of her young son. Piercy's poetry tends to be highly personal free verse and often addresses the same concern with feminist and social issues. Her work shows commitment to the dream of social change (what she might call, in Judaic terms, tikkun olam, or the repair of the world), rooted in story, the wheel of the Jewish year, and a range of landscapes and settings. She lives in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, Massachusetts with her husband, Ira Wood.