


哦,伟大的魔术师,你唤醒了我逝去的青春的幽灵——那些幸福的,金色的日子,当大地的宝藏展示,一切都是真理。你的同伴也许是贤明而干枯的,但在你的书页上却出现了一个美丽的仙境,在那里我在变幻的爱尔兰天空下玩耍——一个充满微笑和泪水的天空。亲爱的祖国!这本小书把翠绿的小山和闪烁的小溪,深山幽谷和树林的角落,以及家宅的农场的各种魅力带回来了。我看见金色的秋日里我曾坐过的干草堆,抚摸着你的书页,不知道它除了得到主人的称赞外,还有什么用处。在冬火旁,我把你的动词重新组合起来,当庄严的钟敲十下时,我把你放在架子上,然后我就不再梦见你了。你的撒克逊根向我展示了一个寂静的,空荡荡的学校,一个可怜的囚犯,她可以看到,仿佛是为了增加她的痛苦,她的同伴从统治中解放出来,冲去抓更圆的球,或在圈里盘旋。那些快乐的人群!我看到了他们所有人,直到现在我还记得他们曾经唱过的歌。你的句式使人联想起一个春天的早晨,那时稀罕的花朵点缀着庄严的大地,在河岸和荆棘上展开,芳香弥漫着整个空气。 The dewdrops lent their aid and threw Their gems with lavish hand On every flower of brilliant hue, On every blade of grass that grew In that enchanted land. The lark her warbling music lent, To give an added charm, And sleek-haired kine, in deep content, Forth from their milking slowly went Towards the homestead farm. And here thy page on logic shows A troop of merry girls, A meadow smooth where clover grows, And lanes where scented hawthorn blows, And woodbine twines and curls. And, turning o'er thy leaves, I find Of many a friend the trace; Forgotten scenes rush to my mind, And some whom memory left behind Now stare me in the face. Ah, happy days! when hope was high, And faith was calm and deep! When all was real and God was nigh, And heaven was "just beyond the sky", And angels watched my sleep. Your dreams are gone, and here instead Fair science reigns alone, And, when I come to her for bread, She smiles and bows her stately head And offers me -- a stone.