


人行道打滑,人们打喷嚏,贵族穿着貂皮大衣,乞丐冻得发抖;标题是贪吃的人精致的雕刻,天才在阁楼里挨饿。高大的大厦,温馨宽敞;朝臣们贪得无厌;守财奴几乎没有可怜的注意;英勇的士兵在战斗,流血。嘲笑被动丈夫的妻子;剧院和会议室;舞会上,单纯的姑娘在那里憔悴;医院和痛苦的呻吟。 Arts and sciences bewailing ; Commerce drooping, credit failing ; Placemen mocking subjects loyal ; Separations, weddings royal. Authors who can't earn a dinner ; Many a subtle rogue a winner ; Fugitives for shelter seeking ; Misers hoarding, tradesmen breaking. Taste and talents quite deserted ; All the laws of truth perverted ; Arrogance o'er merit soaring ; Merit silently deploring. Ladies gambling night and morning ; Fools the works of genius scorning ; Ancient dames for girls mistaken, Youthful damsels quite forsaken. Some in luxury delighting ; More in talking than in fighting ; Lovers old, and beaux decrepid ; Lordlings empty and insipid. Poets, painters, and musicians ; Lawyers, doctors, politicians : Pamphlets, newspapers, and odes, Seeking fame by diff'rent roads. Gallant souls with empty purses ; Gen'rals only fit for nurses ; School-boys, smit with martial spirit, Taking place of vet'ran merit. Honest men who can't get places, Knaves who shew unblushing faces ; Ruin hasten'd, peace retarded ; Candour spurn'd, and art rewarded.