


美,天堂的属性!以各种形式给予凡人,用魔法技巧奴役人类,就像嬉戏的幻想支配心灵一样。寻找广阔的世界,去你想去的地方,变化仍然追随你;变幻无常的大自然不知极限,在每个气候,每个人的脸上都能找到她无穷无尽的天赋,每个人都有自己独特的优雅。对加利亚的嬉闹场面的修复,那里统治着小德博内尔;那矫健的步伐,那纤细的腰身,那鲜红的嘴唇,那短短的鼻子,那珍珠般的牙齿,那小酒窝下的下巴,那愉快而自由的社交交谈,那聪明而得体的谈吐。意大利有美丽动人的景色,有尖尖的步伐,有高傲的神态,有热情洋溢的声调,有慵懒的眼神,有激动人心的和谐之歌;隐藏在微笑中的阴险的爱,既使人着迷,又使人迷惑。看希腊的少女们,她们完美的造型让雕刻家的幻想温暖了!在那里,让你陶醉的眼睛看到大自然最柔软的宝石; Each charm, that REYNOLDS learnt to trace, From SHERIDAN's bewitching face. Imperious TURKEY's pride is seen In Beauty's rich luxuriant mien; The dark and sparkling orbs that glow Beneath a polish'd front of snow: The auburn curl that zephyr blows About the cheek of brightest rose: The shorten'd zone, the swelling breast, With costly gems profusely drest; Reclin'd in softly-waving bow'rs, On painted beds of fragrant flow'rs; Where od'rous canopies dispense ARABIA's spices to the sense; Where listless indolence and ease, Proclaim the sov'reign wish, to please. 'Tis thus, capricious FANCY shows How far her frolic empire goes ! On ASIA's sands, on ALPINE snow, We trace her steps where'er we go; The BRITISH Maid with timid grace; The tawny INDIAN 's varnish'd face; The jetty AFRICAN; the fair Nurs'd by EUROPA's softer air; With various charms delight the mind, For FANCY governs ALL MANKIND.