


在荒芜的平原和肥沃的草地上,极光举起了白昼的火炬;夜的阴沉沉的额头退去了,每一根水柱上都落下冷露珠;现在,在蓟粗犷的头顶上,薄雾飘过,在每一朵紫罗兰芬芳的床上,都躺着大自然闪闪发光的宝石。山的高额头戴着金冠,挤奶的姑娘欢快地唱着歌,放羊的男孩打开羊圈,小羊在草地上玩耍;胸上有斑点的云雀,从成熟的麦穗丰盛的宴席上飞来;骄傲的天空的房客,高高举起他的羽冠。农夫蹑手蹑脚,轻轻地敲着小屋的门;或在绿草皮上坐下,唱着著名的小曲;娇羞的少女,在风雨中走来走去,没有实践过爱情的迷离诡计,穿着干净朴素的衣服,从小小的窗户里窥视着,微笑着。骄傲的吟游诗人展开他的翅膀,在欢快的羽毛中昂首阔步; The glades with vocal echoes ring, Soft odours deck the hawthorn spray; The SCHOOL-BOY saunters o'er the green, With satchel, fill'd with Learning's store; While with dejected, sullen mien, He cons his tedious lesson o'er. When WINTER spreads her banner chill, And sweeps the vale with freezing pow'r; And binds in spells the vagrant rill, And shrivels ev'ry ling'ring flow'r; When NATURE quits her verdant dress, And drops to earth her icy tears; E'EN THEN thy tardy glance can bless, And soft thy weeping eye appears. Then at the Horn's enliv'ning peal, Keen Sportsmen for the chase prepare; Thro' the young Copse shrill echoes steal, Swift flies the tim'rous, panting hare; From ev'ry straw-thatch'd cottage soars Blue curling smoke in many a cloud; Around the Barn's expanded doors, The feather'd throng impatient crowd. Such are thy charms! health-breathing scene! Where Nature's children revel gay; Where Plenty smiles with radiant mien, And Labour crowns the circling day; Where Peace, in conscious Virtue blest, Invites the Heart to joy supreme; While polish'd Splendour pants for rest And pines in Fashion's fev'rish dream.