


我的奥伯伦,与每一个精灵"把夜的雾气染成金色,"将跳舞,织出青翠的环"带着喜悦,凡人也能歌唱;"当你叹息玛利亚的名字,"为感到无望的火焰而悲伤,"他们渴望捕捉温柔的音符,"刚从你悦耳的喉咙中分离出来,"把它带到粗心的耳朵里"那鄙视情人眼泪的人。——《魔鬼女王》。甜蜜的马伯!在你的命令下,我飞过闪烁的午夜露珠,飞过许多柔滑的紫罗兰头,没有被凡俗的践踏;我跃上西风的翅膀,热切地想要完成你的意志,我命令她那嘶嘶作响的舌头安静下来,不要让它的细语在空中乱飞。冷酷的辛西娅把她的银弓藏在她那天蓝色闪闪发光的背心下面;没有温柔的光线,我的魔杖环祝福,除了小夜虫闪烁的光芒。在含苞的荆棘上,我发现了一层薄纱,裹住了我的小脑袋;在我的腰上,我披上了一条神奇的粉末围巾,上面缀着许多晶莹的露珠,点缀着五颜六色的树叶。就这样,我穿着华丽的衣服,来到了树林,美丽的玛利亚,像帕菲亚的爱情女王,睡在百合花的花丛上; the am'rous air Snatch'd nectar from her balmy lips, Sweeter than haughty JUNO sips, When GANYMEDE her goblet fills With juice, the citron bud distills. Her breast was whiter than the down That on the RING-DOVE'S bosom grows; Her cheek, more blushing than the rose That blooms on FLORA'S May-day crown! Beneath her dark and "fringed lid," I spy'd LOVE'S glittering arrows hid; I listen'd to the dulcet song That trembled on her tuneful tongue; And, "IL FERITO i;" was the sound The babbling echo whisper'd round: The blissful moment swift I caught, And to the maiden's slumb'ring thought Pictur'd the graces of his mind, His taste, his eloquence refin'd! His polish'd manners sweetly mild! His soft poetic warblings wild ! His warm impassion'd verse, that fills The soul with Love's extatic thrills. I mark'd the blush upon her cheek, Her spotless bosom's language speak; I mark'd the tear of pity roll, Sweet emblem of her feeling soul: I heard the sympathetic sigh Upon her lips vermilion die. When busy LOVE too eager sped His light steps near the charmer's bed; His pinions rustling thro' the air Awoke the trembling spotless fair; Swiftly her radiant eyes unclose, When, on my filmy wing I rose Sweet MAB the rapt'rous tale to bear, TO "IL FERITO'S" GRATEFUL EAR.