


在深渊的深处,疯狂的恐怖潜伏着,在最厚的雾气中,狡猾的蛇嘶嘶地怒视着,黑暗的复仇恶魔住在那里,在午夜的阴暗时刻,你的起源开始了:贪婪的恶意是你的祖先;你的水坝是阴沉的女巫,绝望;你的奶妈,永不满足的愤怒。命运之神合谋把他们的祸患缠绕在你的心脏受感染的神龛周围;他们给了你每一个灾难性的咒语,每一个荒凉的力量,粉碎了人类最美好的希望。你那致命的出生一为人所知,赫卡忒带着可怕的微笑,从她那不圣洁的宝座上跳了下来;女魔头把你丑陋的模样亲切地贴在胸前;她那憔悴的眼睛闪过一道欢乐的光,这时,在地狱的阴影里响起了欢腾的喧闹声。你的暴君之手,用不可抗拒的力量,在你的朋友们之上,握着至高无上的指挥权:可怕的人群在你的铁权杖前低头。现在,你坐在你的黑檀木洞里,你的宝座周围,无情的愤怒怒吼:刺成的花环缠绕着你的怒容,你的心被狡猾的秃鹫撕裂,你的瘦弱的四肢被不死的蝎子捆绑。 Thy black associates, torpid IGNORANCE, And pining JEALOUSYwith eye askance, With savage rapture execute thy will, And strew the paths of life with every torturing ill Nor can the sainted dead escape thy rage; Thy vengeance haunts the silent grave, Thy taunts insult the ashes of the brave; While proud AMBITION weeps thy rancour to assuage. The laurels round the POET's bust, Twin'd by the liberal hand of Taste, By thy malignant grasp defac'd, Fade to their native dust: Thy ever-watchful eye no labour tires, Beneath thy venom'd touch the angel TRUTH expires. When in thy petrifying car Thy scaly dragons waft thy form, Then, swifter, deadlier far Than the keen lightning's lance, That wings its way across the yelling storm, Thy barbed shafts fly whizzing round, While every with'ring glance Inflicts a cureless wound. Thy giant arm with pond'rous blow Hurls genius from her glorious height, Bends the fair front of Virtue low, And meanly pilfers every pure delight. Thy hollow voice the sense appalls, Thy vigilance the mind enthralls; Rest hast thou none,by night, by day, Thy jealous ardour seeks for prey Nought can restrain thy swift career; Thy smile derides the suff'rer's wrongs; Thy tongue the sland'rers tale prolongs; Thy thirst imbibes the victim's tear; Thy breast recoils from friendship's flame; Sick'ning thou hear'st the trump of Fame; Worth gives to thee, the direst pang; The Lover's rapture wounds thy heart, The proudest efforts of prolific art Shrink from thy poisonous fang. In vain the Sculptor's lab'ring hand Calls fine proportion from the Parian stone; In vain the Minstrel's chords command The soft vibrations of seraphic tone; For swift thy violating arm Tears from perfection ev'ry charm; Nor rosy YOUTH, nor BEAUTY's smiles Thy unrelenting rage beguiles, Thy breath contaminates the fairest name, And binds the guiltless brow with ever-blist'ring shame.