


呵,你那冷静的训词能控制不安的灵魂的狂乱的急躁,可爱的宁静的仙女!它那抚慰一切的力量苏醒了,在黎明时分给人以平静的喜悦;哦,听听你的恳求者热烈的祈祷吧!从我那腐蚀心灵的沉思的忧虑中驱走吧,从我那炽热的脑波中偷走吧,用魅惑让悲伤安息,让痛苦的悸动平静下来。啊,告诉我,人生最大的乐趣是什么?它们不都是会腐烂的幻象,甜蜜的毒药,镀金的玩具,浮华的小玩意吗?啊,说,他们留下了什么影子,除了心灵空虚的悲哀?乘着名声的雄鹰翅膀,人在平静的理性的摇摆上翱翔,“跃起的野心”嘲弄每一个温柔的要求,拔掉社会生活的亲密纽带;当她对被征服的奴隶挥动她的长矛时,同情转过身去——反思掉下了眼泪。看看这个可怜鬼,他那肮脏的心,沉浸在知足的恬静中,安于奢华的迷人的宁静中,排斥苍白的夫人的触摸,嘲笑苦难的聪明; Unmov'd he marks the bitter tear, In vain the plaints of woe his thoughts assail, The bashful mourner's pitious tale Nor melts his flinty soul, nor vibrates on his ear, O blest REFLECTION ! let thy magic pow'r Awake his torpid sense, his slumb'ring thought, Tel1 him ADVERSITY'S unpitied hour A brighter lesson gives, than Stoics taught: Tell him that WEALTH no blessing can impart So sweet as PITY'S tearthat bathes the wounded Heart. Go tell the vain, the insolent, and fair, That life's best days are only days of care; That BEAUTY, flutt'ring like a painted fly, Owes to the spring of youth its rarest die; When Winter comes, its charms shall fade away, And the poor insect wither in decay: Go bid the giddy phantom learn from thee, That VIRTUE only braves mortality. Then come, REFLECTION, soft-ey'd maid! I know thee, and I prize thy charms; Come, in thy gentlest smiles array'd, And I will press thee in my eager arms: Keep from my aching heart the "fiend DESPAIR," Pluck from my brow her THORN, and plant the OLIVE there.