


甜蜜的忧伤之鸟!为什么在如此柔和的歌声中抱怨,那回响着你的旋律,延长了那响亮的节奏?啊!告诉我,告诉我,为什么,你悦耳的音符升上天空。还是在薄雾缭绕的山腰上,在朦胧的雾气中滑行?你为什么爱住在幽暗的树林里,住在长满青苔的茅屋里,住在柳边的溪水旁?甜蜜的歌谣,如果你任性的命运夺去了你胸中的伴侣,哦,不要以为你那撕心裂肺的呻吟在微风中消逝,也不要以为忧伤的歌独自从你寡妇的胸中偷走了。我曾多次听到你的悲情故事,在高高的悬崖上,它那阴暗的额头笼罩着山谷,它那可怕的阴影把林间空地笼罩得一片幽暗;我在它的声音的引导下,漫游了很远的地方,直到深红色的黄昏的火星在天空的巨大穹苍上闪耀,四周飘渺的雾气纷飞;我曾多次寻找那洁身自好的少女,她带着玫瑰色的酒窝微笑,直到每一个希望都迫使我分开,无法抗拒的痛苦征服了我的心。噢,那么,在那无尽的深渊之上,我孤身一人,在异国他乡哭泣,在那里,嫉妒的声音再也不能嘲弄我了。 I hop'd, by mingling with the gay, To snatch the veil of Grief away; To break Affliction's pond'rous chain; VAIN was the Hopein vain I sought The placid hour of careless thought, Where Fashion wing'd her light career, And sportive Pleasure danc'd along, Oft have I shunn'd the blithsome throng, To hide th'involuntary tear, For e'en where rapt'rous transports glow, From the full Heart the conscious tear will flow, When to my downy couch remov'd, FANCY recall'd my wearied mind To scenes of FRIENDSHIP left behind, Scenes still regretted, still belov'd! Ah, then I felt the pangs of Grief, Grasp my warm Heart, and mock relief; My burning lids Sleep's balm defied, And on my fev'rish lip imperfect murmurs died. Restless and sadI sought once more A calm retreat on BRITAIN's shore; Deceitful HOPE, e'en there I found That soothing FRIENDSHIP's specious name Was but a short-liv'd empty sound, And LOVE a false delusive flame. Then come, Sweet BIRD, and with thy strain, Steal from my breast the thorn of pain; Blest solace of my lonely hours, In craggy caves and silent bow'rs, When HAPPY Mortals seek repose, By Night's pale lamp we'll chaunt our woes, And, as her chilling tears diffuse O'er the white thorn their silv'ry dews, I'll with the lucid boughts entwine A weeping Wreath, which round my Head Shall by the waning Cresent shine, And light us to our leafy bed, But ah! nor leafy beds nor bow'rs Fring'd with soft MAY's enamell'd flow'rs, Nor pearly leaves, nor Cynthia's beams, Nor smiling Pleasure's shad'wy dreams, Sweet BIRD, not e'en THY melting Strains Can calm the Heart, where TYRANT SORROW REIGNS.