


在一堵古老的城墙下面,这堵城墙围绕着一座古老的城堡。一座整洁的小茅屋,低低的屋顶挺立着,不顾狂风在棚子上怒吼;那些对着简陋小屋皱眉的角楼,在暴风雨怒吼的时候,摇来摇去,汹涌的河水顺着富饶的山谷奔流而下,在它绿色的门阶旁飞快地流淌。夏日的阳光,把斜斜的草木屋顶涂上了金色,鲜亮的露珠在爬满常春藤的树篱上闪闪发光,在城墙上,甜美的鸟儿在唱着歌,清澈的河边点缀着茂密的野芽。当城堡里富丽的房间闹鬼、阴森的时候,那座可怜的小破屋却安静而安全;没有强盗,也没有妖精,也没有仙女,因为骄傲的光辉没有魅力来引诱。城堡的主人,一个傲慢而粗暴的统治者,常常听到那矮房子里响起悦耳的音乐声,因为那住在小茅屋里的老妇人,总是坐在她的轮上,欢快地歌唱。当城堡的大厅里响起狂欢的声音时,老妇人睡着了,没有做恐惧的梦;当猎人们在山上跳跃时,她会打开门,听他们的喧闹声。随着欢乐的号角,她在门槛上跳舞,唱着她那首古老的歌,唱得越来越响。当冬天的冰霜披风降临时,她毫不畏惧地在光秃秃的树林里唱着颂歌;她拿着黑面包和黑啤酒,采着干枯的蕨类植物,永远快乐地歌唱着;当她听到城堡的大钟响起时,她微笑着,邀请骄傲的人——参加他们的浪子聚会。她就这样生活着,永远忍耐着,永远满足着,直到城堡的主人嫉妒占有了她,因为他痛恨贫穷会如此快乐,而烦恼却能让命运的宠儿来骚扰。他派出大胆的自耕农,威胁要阻止她,她仍然要唱着甜美的歌; At last, an old Steward, relentless he sent her-- Who bore her, all trembling, to Prison away! Three weeks did she languish, then died, broken-hearted, Poor Dame! how the death-bell did mournfully sound! And along the green path six young Bachelors bore her, And laid her, for ever, beneath the cold ground! And the primroses pale, 'mid the long grass were growing, The bright dews of twilight bespangled her grave And morn heard the breezes of summer soft blowing To bid the fresh flow'rets in sympathy wave. The Lord of the Castle, from that fatal moment When poor Singing MARY was laid in her grave, Each night was surrounded by Screech-owls appalling, Which o'er the black turrets their pinions would wave! On the ramparts that frown'd on the river, swift flowing, They hover'd, still hooting a terrible song, When his windows would rattle, the Winter blast blowing, They would shriek like a ghost, the dark alleys among! Wherever he wander'd they followed him crying, At dawnlight, at Eve, still they haunted his way! When the Moon shone across the wide common, they hooted, Nor quitted his path, till the blazing of day. His bones began wasting, his flesh was decaying, And he hung his proud head, and he perish'd with shame; And the tomb of rich marble, no soft tear displaying, O'ershadows the grave, of THE POOR SINGING DAME!