


[致Duncannon夫人。可爱的红润的仙女,她喜欢住在幽暗的森林里;他在隐士的茅屋里微笑,对着乡下人的坟墓叹息;他怜悯地看着忙碌的人群,他们是时尚轻浮的奴隶;他唱着天真烂漫的歌,唱着逝去的光阴。我曾多次飞去追寻你的足迹,在幽谷幽静的幽谷里,我曾多次看见你娇艳的面庞,在小茅屋里,傲然整洁!我曾见过你,披着面纱,披在贞洁的草坪上,在冰冷的修道院神圣的阴影里;我看见你,在黎明的微光中,穿着朴素的赤褐色服装。我看见你戴着四月的花冠,光在乡村的草地上跳跃;我曾听见你在幽居中,对着牧人过去的芦苇歌唱; When pleasure led the nymphs along In moonlight gambols o'er the green, I've mark'd THEE, fairest of the throng, With modest eye and timid mien. No more my eager gaze shall trace Thy varying footsteps, blithe and free; For what art thou, but native grace, Soft Beauty's child, SIMPLICITY? 'Tis thine in every path to dwell, Where TRUTH and INNOCENCE are seen, In cottage low, or Hermit's cell, Or splendid dome, or rural green. The spotless MIND, the brow serene, 'Tis THINE, enchanting Maid, to boast! The sweet, benignant, humble mien, And all that VIRTUE values most! Thy blushes paint DUNCANNONS's cheek, Thy light hand weaves her golden hair, Around her form, THY charms I'll seek, FOR ALL THE GRACES REVEL THERE!