


她听到了结局的故事,也听到了每一条消息;每个朋友都有一个;只求她一个人——只字不提。她会怀着一颗沉重的心,以为他的爱已经消逝;因为他的灵魂离开了尘世,而没有提起她的名字?不——不!虽然没有迹象,也没有声音,一种别离的思念——没有漫不经心地走过他最爱的她的归途。勇敢地承受着航行的危险,他不愿把故事讲出来;用破碎的木板和撕裂的帆布,和狂风的战争。他等待着灯塔的星星在天空中升起; And from the mainland, looming far, The forest scents blow by. He hoped to tell -- assurance sweet! -- That pain and grief were o'er -- What blessings haste the soul to meet, Ere yet within the door. Then one farewell he thought to speak When all the rest were past -- As in the parting-hour we seek The dearest hand the last. And while for this delaying but To see Heaven's opening Gate -- Lo, it received him -- and was shut -- Ere he could say "I wait."