

你是我精神向往的目标;就像鸽子接鸽子,奔向同一个家,我把我所有的歌和我所有的爱都送给你。你是灯火通明的港湾;在狂风暴雨的夜晚,我的心将在海上独自停泊。你是我生命所喜爱的安息,你是完全的平安;只要有了你,世界,连同它的一切痛苦和辛劳,都将停止。你是我的灵魂要去的天堂!啊,最亲爱的眼睛,迷失在你的光芒中,你会把地狱变成天堂。你是我的心所渴望的一切中的一切!是的,近处或远处——深不可测的天空搏动着,燃烧着星上的星,或者在六月的火的照耀下,清新的大地发光,在神秘的白月下,透过一朵又一朵的玫瑰红润着——你,你,我看见了,你在一切有生命的事物中都能感觉到,亲爱的; In the first bird which tremulously sings Ere peep of sun; In the last nestling orphaned in the hedge, Rocked to and fro, When dying summer shudders in the sedge, And swallows go; When roaring snows rush down the mountain-pass, March floods with rills Or April lightens through the living grass In daffodils; When poppied cornfields simmer in the heat With tare and thistle, And, like winged clouds above the mellow wheat, The starlings whistle; When stained with sunset the wide moorlands glare In the wild weather, And clouds with flaming craters smoke and flare Red o'er red heather; When the bent moon, on frostbound midnights waking, Leans to the snow Like some world-mother whose deep heart is breaking O'er human woe. As the round sun rolls red into the ocean, Till all the sea Glows fluid gold, even so life's mazy motion Is dyed with thee: For as the wave-like years subside and roll, O heart's desire, Thy soul glows interfused within my soul, A quenchless fire. Yea, thee I feel, all storms of life above, Near though afar; O thou my glorious morning star of love, And evening star.