


清晨的第一缕灰雾笼罩了东方,雾从奥克苏斯河升起。但是,沿河的鞑靼营地全都安静下来了,士兵们仍在沉睡。索拉博一个人睡不着;他整夜睡不着,在床上辗转反侧;但是,当灰蒙蒙的黎明悄悄进入他的帐篷时,他站起来,穿上衣服,系上剑,拿起骑士的斗篷,离开帐篷,走进寒冷潮湿的雾中,穿过昏暗的营地,来到佩兰-维萨的帐篷。他穿过鞑靼人的黑色帐篷,这些帐篷像蜂箱一样簇簇地矗立在奥克苏斯平原低洼的河岸上,太阳融化了帕米尔高原上的积雪,夏季的洪水就会在这里泛滥;他穿过黑色的帐篷,越过那条低低的河岸,来到了一个小山丘上,离小溪的边缘不远——夏天,一条小船在这里渡过小溪,擦过陆地。古时候的人们在山顶筑起了一座粘土堡垒;但那是秋天,现在鞑靼人在那里搭起了佩兰-维萨的帐篷,一个用板条做成的圆顶,在上面铺上了毯子。索拉博走了进去,站在帐篷里厚厚的地毯上,发现老人睡在用地毯和毛毡铺成的床上,他的双臂靠近他。 And Peran-Wisa heard him, though the step Was dull'd; for he slept light, an old man's sleep; And he rose quickly on one arm, and said:-- "Who art thou? for it is not yet clear dawn. Speak! is there news, or any night alarm?" But Sohrab came to the bedside, and said:-- "Thou know'st me, Peran-Wisa! it is I. The sun is not yet risen, and the foe Sleep; but I sleep not; all night long I lie Tossing and wakeful, and I come to thee. For so did King Afrasiab bid me seek Thy counsel and to heed thee as thy son, In Samarcand, before the army march'd; And I will tell thee what my heart desires. Thou know'st if, since from Ader-baijan first I came among the Tartars and bore arms, I have still served Afrasiab well, and shown, At my boy's years, the courage of a man. This too thou know'st, that while I still bear on The conquering Tartar ensigns through the world, And beat the Persians back on every field, I seek one man, one man, and one alone-- Rustum, my father; who I hoped should greet, Should one day greet, upon some well fought field, His not unworthy, not inglorious son. So I long hoped, but him I never find. Come then, hear now, and grant me what I ask. Let the two armies rest to-day; but I Will challenge forth the bravest Persian lords To meet me, man to man; if I prevail, Rustum will surely hear it; if I fall-- Old man, the dead need no one, claim no kin. Dim is the rumour of a common fight, Where host meets host, and many names are sunk; But of a single combat fame speaks clear." He spoke; and Peran-Wisa took the hand Of the young man in his, and sigh'd, and said:-- O Sohrab, an unquiet heart is thine! Canst thou not rest among the Tartar chiefs, And share the battle's common chance with us Who love thee, but must press for ever first, In single fight incurring single risk, To find a father thou hast never seen? That were far best, my son, to stay with us Unmurmuring; in our tents, while it is war, And when 'tis truce, then in Afrasiab's towns. But, if this one desire indeed rules all, To seek out Rustum--seek him not through fight! Seek him in peace, and carry to his arms, O Sohrab, carry an unwounded son! But far hence seek him, for he is not here. For now it is not as when I was young, When Rustum was in front of every fray; But now he keeps apart, and sits at home, In Seistan, with Zal, his father old. Whether that his own mighty strength at last Feels the abhorr'd approaches of old age, Or in some quarrel with the Persian King. There go!--Thou wilt not? Yet my heart forebodes Danger or death awaits thee on this field. Fain would I know thee safe and well, though lost To us; fain therefore send thee hence, in peace To seek thy father, not seek single fights In vain;--but who can keep the lion's cub From ravening, and who govern Rustum's son? Go, I will grant thee what thy heart desires." So said he, and dropp'd Sohrab's hand, and left His bed, and the warm rugs whereon he lay; And o'er his chilly limbs his woollen coat He pass'd, and tied his sandals on his feet, And threw a white cloak round him, and he took In his right hand a ruler's staff, no sword; And on his head he set his sheep-skin cap, Black, glossy, curl'd, the fleece of Kara-Kul; And raised the curtain of his tent, and call'd His herald to his side, and went abroad. The sun by this had risen, and clear'd the fog From the broad Oxus and the glittering sands. And from their tents the Tart