


从屠夫和面包师的吵闹声中解脱出来,他们是我的老朋友,他们很少抛弃她,从我的房东贵格会教徒的软屁股里解脱出来,从斥责男仆和看管姑娘们中解脱出来,从内尔烧牛奶和汤姆打碎玻璃杯中解脱出来(一个好管家都能躲过的那些倒霉事!)出于真正的忧虑,而更多的是幻想的烦恼,出于半理智半激情的生活,这里躺着全国最好的姑娘。从莱茵河到波河,从泰晤士河到罗纳河,乔安娜或詹尼顿,金妮或琼,对她来说都是一个名字。对于词语的习惯用法,她很少注意,只要她所追求的事情成功了,她就会根据自己的需要获取和给予语言。因此,为了厨房和市场,为了讨价还价和出售,她付了英语、荷兰语或法语的钱,但在讲故事时,她有时确实失败了;她的脸红帮了她的忙,她的行话也很适合她。她竭力使自己的习惯和风度与她来的地方完全不同;她的外表还是变了,但她的内心还是老样子:在海牙,她穿着拖鞋,梳着时髦的头发;在巴黎,所有人都打扮得像女神一样漂亮;在伦敦,她穿着罩衫袖子和紧身胸衣。她安排了一些事情,很少有人能说出弗洛、女主人或小姐在她身上的哪一部分是混合的。关于她的姓氏和种族,让传令官来回答吧; Her own proper worth was enough to advance her, And he who liked her, little value her grandsire. But from what house so ever her lineage may come I wish my own Jinny but out of her tomb, Tho' all her relations were there in her room. Of such terrible beauty she never could boast As with absolute sway o'er all hearts rules the roast When J___ bawls out to the chair for a toast; But of good household features her person was made, Nor by faction cried up nor of censure afraid, And her beauty was rather for use than parade. Her blood so well mix't and flesh so well pasted That, tho' her youth faded, her comeliness lasted; The blue was wore off, but the plum was well tasted. Less smooth than her skin and less white than her breast Was this polished stone beneath which she lies pressed: Stop, reader, and sigh while thou thinkst on the rest. With a just trim of virtue her soul was endued, Not affectedly pious nor secretly lewd She cut even between the coquette and the prude. Her will with her duty so equally stood That, seldom oppos'd, she was commonly good, And did pretty well, doing just what she would. Declining all power she found means to persuade, Was then most regarded when most she obey'd, The mistress in truth when she seem'd but the maid. Such care of her own proper actions she took That on other folk's lives she had not time to look, So censure and praise were struck out of her book. Her thought still confin'd to its own little sphere, She minded not who did excel or did err But just as the matter related to her. Then too when her private tribunal was rear'd Her mercy so mix'd with her judgment appear'd That her foes were condemn'd and her friends always clear'd. Her religion so well with her learning did suit That in practice sincere, and in controverse mute, She showed she knew better to live than dispute. Some parts of the Bible by heart she recited, And much in historical chapters delighted, But in points about Faith she was something short sighted; So notions and modes she refer'd to the schools, And in matters of conscience adher'd to two rules, To advise with no bigots, and jest with no fools. And scrupling but little, enough she believ'd, By charity ample small sins she retriev'd, And when she had new clothes she always receiv'd. Thus still whilst her morning unseen fled away In ord'ring the linen and making the tea That scarce could have time for the psalms of the day; And while after dinner the night came so soon That half she propos'd very seldom was done; With twenty God bless me's, how this day is gone! -- While she read and accounted and paid and abated, Eat and drank, play'd and work'd, laugh'd and cried, lov'd and hated, As answer'd the end of her being created: In the midst of her age came a cruel disease Which neither her juleps nor receipts could appease; So down dropp'd her clay -- may her Soul be at peace! Retire from this sepulchre all the profane, You that love for debauch, or that marry for gain, Re