


欢迎,三次欢迎,来到敦提市,伟大的非洲探险家亨利·M·斯坦利,他前往非洲的荒蛮地区进行探索,在荒蛮和荒凉的沙漠中旅行,疲惫不堪,脚痛不堪。他和他的小分队所遭受的苦难永远不会被忘记,尤其是埃德蒙·巴特洛特少校,唉!这位勇敢英勇的军官被一个野蛮人开枪打死了,后方纵队的指挥官——啊,辛苦了,他的命运已经注定了!啊,想想高贵的斯坦利和他英勇的小分队吧,他们穿越了阴暗的森林和荒芜的土地,在烈日下忍受着各种苦难!但勇敢的英雄成功了,胜利已经到来。在非洲的时候,他看到了许多奇妙的景色,毫无疑问,他也参加了许多野蛮的战斗,但智慧的造物主一直陪伴着他现在他回到了我们身边,我希望他很强壮。在他的非洲之旅中,他有了奇怪的发现,他发现了一种叫做小矮人的种族,据说他们是非洲的原始土著,当斯坦利发现他们时,他被敬畏所震撼。有一件事是特别值得提及的,上帝是如何保护他免于残酷的命运的:他和他的军官们在航行的时候,被Bumbireh的野蛮人袭击了,他们都渴望割断他的喉咙。他们抓住他的头发,毫不畏惧地猛拉他的头发,而他的一个人却被长矛戳在肋骨上;但史丹利镇定自若,立刻对他的人喊道:“把船推下去,救你们的命!” Then savages swarmed into three canoes very close by, And every bow was drawn, while they savagely did cry; But thee heroic Stanley quickly shot two of them dead, Then the savages were baffled and immediately fled. This incident is startling, but nevertheless true, And in midst of all dangers the Lord brought him through Then, welcome him,. thrice welcome him, right cheerfully, Shouting, Long live the great African explorer, Henry M Stanley! Therefore throw open the gates of the city of Dundee, And receive him with loud cheers, three time three, And sound your trumpets and beat your drums, And play up, See the Conquering Hero Comes!