


不朽的!威廉·莎士比亚,没有人比你更出色,你把你的人物刻画得惟妙惟肖,这在舞台上上演是令人愉快的。例如,患了恋爱病的罗密欧,或暴怒的奥赛罗;他是古往今来最伟大的诗人,也是最伟大的剧作家,他是名副其实的,恐怕这个世界再也看不到他这样的人了。他的悲剧《哈姆雷特》道德高尚,就语言的纯洁性而言,再没有比这更好的了。例如,听到美丽的奥菲莉亚在她父亲的坟墓前呻吟,悲伤而孤独....在他的美剧《皆大皆非》中,有一段写得很好,就像在阿登森林里,语言是崇高的,奥兰多说他的罗西琳,最可爱,最神圣,我相信没有其他诗人写得比这更好;他的语言在教堂里,在酒吧里,在这里,在那里,在遥远的世界各地都在讲;他的作品充满了福音真理,道德和崇高,我确信在我看来,他们是超越的;在他那美丽的悲剧《奥赛罗》中,有一段写得很好,就像凯西奥失去他的副手……喝太多酒;他悲伤地喊道:“哦! that men should put an Enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains." In his great tragedy of Richard the III, one passage is very fine Where the Duchess of York invokes the aid of the Divine For to protect her innocent babes from the murderer's uplifted hand, And smite him powerless, and save her babes, I'm sure 'tie really grand. Immortal! Bard of Avon, your writings are divine, And will live in the memories of you admirers until the end of time; Your plays are read in family ciFcles with wonder and delight, While seated around the fireside on a cold winter's night.