


你们火星的儿子们,到我这里来吧,我要给你们讲一场伟大而英勇的海战,它将使你们心中充满欢乐。这场战斗是在法国护卫舰“皮克”号和英国护卫舰“布兰奇”号之间进行的,但英国船员勇敢而坚定;这场战役于1795年在西印度群岛海域打响,为了取得胜利,法国人付出了崇高的努力。在1月4日的早晨,当船驶离加杜罗普岛时,船头的瞭望员大声说道:“开船吧!”“在下风的船头,靠近海岸的地方,先生。”他毫不迟疑地回答。这时,福克纳船长喊道:“清理甲板!”他用他的眼镜打量着那艘法国船;他让他的手下升起英国国旗,"让我的英雄们准备好打倒法国的破布。"“布兰奇”号随即扬帆,毫不迟延地向“皮克”号的方向驶去;福克纳船长喊道:“现在,小伙子们,向他猛扑过去,赶快做好准备,开始行动。” It was about midnight when the Frenchman hove in sight, And could be seen distinctly in the starlight; And for an hour and a half they fired away Broadsides into each other without dismay. And with tne rapid flashes the Heavens were aflame, As each volley from the roaring cannons came; And the incessant roll of musketry was awful to hear, As it broke over the silent sea and smote upon the ear. The French vessel had nearly 400 men, Her decks were literally crowded from stem to stern; And the musketeers kept up a fierce fire on the " Blanche," But still the "Blanche" on them did advance. And the "Blanche's" crew without dismay Fired a broadside into the "Pique" without delay, Which raked her fore and aft, and knocked her to smash, And the mizzen mast fell overboard with a terrible crash. Then the Frenohmen rushed forward to board the "Blanche," But in doing so they had a very poor chance, For the British Tars in courage didn't lack, Because thrice in succession on their own deck they were driven back. Then "Brave, my lads!" Captain Faulkner loudly cries, "Lash her bowsprit to our capstan, she's our prize"; And he seized some ropes to lash round his foe, But a musket ball pierced his heart and laid him low. Then a yell of rage burst from the noble crew, And near to his fallen body they drew; And tears for his loss fell fast on the deck, Their grief was so great their tears they conldn 't check. The crew was very sorry for their captain's downfall, But the sight didn't their brave hearts appall; Because they fastened the ropes to the "Pique" at the capstan, And the "Pique" was dragged after the "Blanche," the sight was grand. Yet the crew of the "Pique" maintained the fight, Oh! most courageously they fought in the dead of night; And for two hours they kept up firing without dismay, But it was a sacrifice of human life, they had to give way. And about five o'clock in the morning the French cried for quarter, Because on board there had been a great slaughter; Their Captain Consail was mortally wounded in the fight Along with many officers and men; oh! it was a heartrending sight To see the wounded and dead weltering in their gore After the cannonading had ceased and the fighting was o'er.