


唉!美丽的夏天已经远去,大自然的面孔似乎已死,树叶在秋风的夹击下枯萎,从树上飘落。英汉番3:12雀鸟的欢乐都消失了,有许多因严寒而死,因为狂风吹散了树叶,使有羽毛的都愁苦。因为在一个刮风、下雨、多云的早晨,树上没有树叶为它们遮挡风雨;寒风和无情的雨,使他们幼小的心痛苦地跳动。但是,只要他们能从草皮上捡到一条虫子,或者任何他们能吃的东西,比如一块陈面包皮或一粒小麦,他们就比上帝的孩子们更满足。哦!想想雪天里的小鸟吧,想想街上的流浪儿吧,他们被赶来赶去,在寒风中颤抖,冻得刺骨,因为缺少衣食和温暖的家。除此之外,想想那些在寒风中颠沛流离的穷人的痛苦,他们颠沛流离;看在上帝的份上,乞求一块面包,唉! Not knowing where to lay their head. While the rich are well fed and covered from the cold, While the poor are starving, both young and old; Alas! It is the case in this boasted Christian land, Where as the rich are told to be kind to the poor, is God's command. Oh! Think of the working man when he's no work to do, Who's got a wife and family, perhaps four or two, And the father searching for work, and no work can be had, The thought, I'm sure, 'tis enough to drive the poor man mad. Because for his wife and family he must feel, And perhaps the thought thereof will cause him to steal Bread for his family, that are starving at home, While the thought thereof makes him sigh heavily and groan. Alas! The pangs of hunger are very hard to hide, And few people can their temper control, Or become reconciled to their fate, Especially when they cannot find anything to eat. Oh! Think of the struggles of the poor to make a living, Because the rich unto them seldom are giving; Wereas they are told he that giveth to the poor lendeth unto the Lord, But alas! they rather incline their money to hoard. Then theres the little news-vendors in the street, Running about perhaps with bare feet; And if the rich chance to see such creatures in the street, In general they make a sudden retreat.