


鼓声和号角响彻四面八方!让维多利亚女王的臣民们大声欢呼!用他们的行动来表示他们的尊敬,因为她忠实地为他们服务了五十年!向印度皇后和英国女王致敬!愿她永远幸福安详!现在是她的禧年,我希望她的臣民能毫无畏惧地效忠于她。所以他所有的臣民都要欢乐歌唱,直到他们发出响声。让老老少少在她的禧年欢欣鼓舞,并高呼:“我们的女王万岁!”不要悲伤。她是一个好王后,没有人敢否认这一点,我希望上帝会保佑她许多天;愿他使她多作王几年、使她的臣仆都说、阿们。 Let all hatred towards her be thrown aside All o'er dominions broad and wide; And let all her subjects bear in mind, By God kings and queens are put in trust o'er mankind. Therefore rejoice and be glad on her Jubilee day, And try and make the heart of our Queen feel gay; Oh! try and make her happy in country and town, And not with Shakespeare say, "uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." And as this is her first Jubilee year, And will be her last, I rather fear: Therefore, sound drums and trumpets cheerfully, Until the echoes are heard o'er land and sea. And let the innocent voices of the children at home or abroad Ascend with cheerful shouts to the throne of God; And sing aloud, "God Save our Gracious Queen!" Because a good and charitable Sovereign she has been. Therefore, ye sons of great Britain, come join with me, And welcome in our noble Queen's Jubilee; Because she has been a faithful Queen, ye must confess, There hasn't been her equal since the days of Queen Bess. Therefore let all her lieges shout and cheer, "God Save our Gracious Queen!" for many a year; let such be the cry in the peasant's cot, the hall, With stentorian voices, as loud as they can bawl. And let bonfires be kindled on every hill And let her subjects dance around them at their freewill; And try to drive dull care away By singing and rejoicing on the Queen's Jubilee day. May God protect her for many a day, At home or abroad when she's far away; Long may she be spared o'er her subjects to reign, And let each and all with one voice say - Amen! Victoria is a good Queen, which all he subjects know, And for that may God protect her from every foe; May He be as a hedge around her, as He's been all along. And let her live and die in peace - is the end of my song.