


愿上帝保佑我们高贵的女王,愿她统治长久!麦克莱恩他想杀了她,但一切都白费了。为了上帝,他把球转到一边,麦克莱恩瞄准了她的头;他很生气因为他没有开枪打死她。有一种神可以保护国王,看起来确实如此,我的看法是,它保护了我们最仁慈的女王。麦克莱恩一定是个疯子,这是显而易见的,否则他不会试图射杀我们最敬爱的女王。维多利亚是一位好女王,她所有的臣民都知道这一点,因此上帝保护她不受死敌的伤害。她高贵而慷慨,她的臣民必须承认;自从善良的贝丝女王时代以来,没有人能与她匹敌。愿她能长久地在美丽的高地花丛中徜徉,在巴尔莫勒尔的宫殿里度过许多快乐的日子。 Because she is very kind To the old women there, And allows them bread, tea, and sugar, And each one get a share. And when they know of her coming, Their hearts feel overjoy'd, Because, in general, she finds work For men that's unemploy'd. And she also gives the gipsies money While at Balmoral, I've been told, And, mind ye, seldom silver, But very often gold. I hope God will protect her By night and by day, At home and abroad, When she's far away. May He be as a hedge around her, As he's been all along, And let her live and die in peace Is the end of my song.