


美丽的Monikie !绿树成荫,绿树成荫,还有美丽的小径,非常迷人:这是寻欢作乐的人的好去处,因为在那里他们可以进行天真的运动,悠闲地四处散步,还可以看到垂钓者在池塘里钓鳟鱼。此外,还有可爱的白天鹅在池塘里游来游去,再远一点就能看到潘慕尔纪念碑;四周的景色是迷人的,空气中弥漫着芬芳。然后走吧,邦妮·邓迪的寻欢作乐者们,在莫妮卡周围郊游一天,在一个晴朗的夏日里,呼吸一下纯净的空气,这将有助于驱散沉闷的烦恼;当你凝视着那里美丽的风景时,你的精神会感到一种愉悦和自由的冷冻关怀。靠近池塘的地方有一片美丽的绿草地,游人可以在那里跳舞,直到累得跳不动为止;如果他们口渴了,莫基水就在附近,如果很干,他们可以在那里解渴。然后,在那之后,他们可以在绿色的灌木丛和高大的松树中悠闲地散步;在海的中央,他们可以看到三个穿着绿色制服的美丽小岛。 Monikie is as bonnie a place as ye could wish to see, And about eleven or twelve miles from bonnie Dundee; It's the only place I know of to enjoy a holiday, Because there's a hall of shelter there to keep the rain away. Then there's a large park, a very suitable place, For the old and the young, if they wish to try a race; It's there they can enjoy themselves during the live-long summmer day, Near to the little purling burn, meandering on its way, And emptying itself into the pond of Monikie, Which supplies the people with water belonging to Dundee.