


所有希望离开拥挤的城市度过一个短暂假期的游客们;奈恩镇值得一游,我承认,它离因弗内斯只有15英里。在夏季,这里是一个非常受欢迎的浴场,来自伦敦和爱丁堡的游客在这里找到了慰藉,他们沿着黄色的沙滩散步,呼吸着新鲜的空气;而且,那里为女士和先生提供各种住宿。那里有大量的游泳车,气候宜人,空气很温暖;所有的便利设施都在游泳者触手可及的范围之内。此外,海边还有非常漂亮的散步道。到奈恩的游客可以愉快地打发时间,通过观看塔贝塔,它向下倾斜到大海;皇后街是最漂亮的大道之一,因为那里有许多漂亮的商店,摆满了各种各样的商品。还有观赏场地和可爱的阴凉角落,这对游客阅读书籍来说是一个很大的优势;有个地方叫做女士海滩,非常私密,任何人都进不去。 And there's many neat cottages with gardens very nice, And picturesque villas, which can be rented at a reasonable price; Besides, there's a golf course for those that such a game seeks, Which would prove a great attraction to the knights of clubs and cleeks. The surrounding scenery of Nairn is magnificent to be seen, Especially its fertile fields and woodlands so green; Besides, not far from Nairn, there's Cawdor Castle, the ancient seat Of the noble Thanes of Cawdor, with its bold turrets so neat. And its massive proportions is very imposing to see, Because the arched entrance is secured by a drawbridge and a fosse; And visitors will be allowed all over the grounds to roam, Besides shown over the castle if the Earl is not at home. The scenery surrounding the castle is charming in the summertime, And the apples in the orchard there is very fine, Also the flower-beds are most beautiful to see, Especially in the month of June, when the birds sing merrily. Then there's the ancient stronghold of the Bays of Lochloy, And visitors when they see it will it heartily enjoy; And a little further on there's the blasted heath of Macbeth, And a hillock where the witches are wont to dance till out of breath. And as the visitors to Nairn walk along the yellow sand, They can see, right across the Moray Firth, the Black Island so grand, With its productive fields and romantic scenery, And as the tourist gazes thereon his heart fills with ecstasy. And Darnaway Castle is well worthy of praise, And to oblige all visitors there are open days, When they can see the castle where one thousand warriors in all Oft have assembled in the Earl of Randolph's Hall. And in conclusion I will say for good bathing Nairn is the best, And besides its pleasant scenery is of historical interest; And the climate gives health to many visitors while there, Therefore I would recommend Nairn for balmy pure air.