


所有喜欢风景如画的人,去美丽的托基度假吧,去那里欣赏美丽的风景,呼吸芬芳的空气,对残疾人来说是很健康的,尤其是在一年中的冬季和春季,当天气不是太热,而是温和而晴朗的时候。托基位于一个非常深的地方,有很好的庇护,陌生人第一眼就不会忘记;据说这是英格兰最温和的地方,周围环绕着最美丽、最雄伟的高山。正是在这里,奥兰治的威廉第一次踏上了英国的土地,当他看到这片美丽的土地时,他的心高兴地跳了起来;方尖碑标志着他站立的地方,这将被英国人铭记。托基,它的码头和白色的王冠,是一条美丽的护城河,非常令人眼花缭乱的景象,白色的别墅在绿色的山坡上闪闪发光,当游客在上面快乐地呼吸时,他的心充满了喜悦。托基周围的高地是最美丽的,尤其是当树木和灌木丛都是绿色的时候,看到悬崖下漂亮的房子是一种享受,还有两个深谷交汇的小镇。在码头附近还有一个很好的浴场,游客可以在那里游泳而不用担心;当游客们聚集在一起散步时,我建议他们去参观一个叫做“爸爸的洞”的深渊。还有巴布利科姆,离托基只有两英里,它会让陌生人的心感到快乐,当他站在离海四百英尺的悬崖上,向下看,这肯定会让他的心充满狂喜。 The lodging-houses at Bablicome are magnificent to be seen, And the accommodation there would suit either king or queen, And there's some exquisite cottages embowered in the woodland, And sloping down to the sea shore, is really very grand. You do not wonder at Napoleon's exclamation As he stood on the deck of the "Bellerophon," in a fit of admiration, When the vessel was lying to windbound, He exclaimed - "Oh, what a beautiful country!" his joy was profound. And as the tourist there in search of beautiful spots doth rove, Let them not forget to enquire for Anstey's Cove, And there they will see a beautiful beach of milky white, And the sight will fill their hearts with delight. Oh! beautiful Torquay, with your lovely scenery, And your magnificent cottages sloping down to the sea, You are the most charming spot in all England, With your picturesque bay and villas most grand. And, in conclusion, to tourists I will say, Off! off to Torquay and make no delay, For the scenery is magnificent, and salubrious the air, And 'tis good for the health to reside there.