


那是在1878年。冬天来了,罗伯茨勋爵和英军开始了他们的行军,前往阿富汗一个叫卡布尔的地方。天气非常寒冷,河水又涨又满。敌人驻扎在高高的山上,当他们看到英国人时,他们的血液因恐惧而颤抖;野蛮人以战争阵型在山坡上安营扎寨,占据了英军之前躺下的坚固阵地。从正面看,他们的阵地是坚不可摧的,但罗伯茨勋爵是一位技艺高超的将军;因此,他认为在夜深人静的时候向敌人进军,出其不意是正确的。于是众人毫不迟延地聚集、各人都热心要上阵。在寂静的黑暗中,他们毫不气馁,勇敢地向敌人进攻。黎明时分,阿富汗哨兵的挑战声响起,在冰冷刺骨的空气中回荡在岩石间; But the challenge didn't the British scare. Then the Highlanders attacked them left and right, And oh! it was a gorgeoua and an inspiring sight; For a fierce hand to hand struggle raged for a time, While the pibrochs skirled aloud, oh! the scene was sublime. Then the Ghoorkas did the Afghans fiercely attack, And at every point and turning they were driven back; And a fierce hand to hand struggle raged for a time, While in the morning sunshine the British bayonets did shine. And around the ridge or knoll the battle raged for three hours, And British bullets fell amongst them in showers; For Captain Kelso brought us his mountain battery, And sent his shells right into the camp of the enemy, Then the left of the Afghans was turned, and began to flee. Meanwhile, on the enemy's strong position Lord Roberts launched an attack, And from their position they could hardly be driven back Because the Afghans were hid amongst the woods and hills, Still with undaunted courage, the British blood thrills. And the Afghans pressed the British hotly, but they didn't give way, For the 8th Ghoorkas and the 72nd kept them at bay; And the mountain guns shells upon them did fire, Then the 8th Punjaub, bounding up the heights, made them retire. Then Major White seized a rifle from one of his men and did retire, And levelled the piece fearlessly and did fire; And with a steady and well-timed shot He shot the Afghan leader dead on the spot. Then the British with a wild cheer dashed, at them, And on each side around they did them hem; And at the bayonet charge they drove them down the hill, And in hundreds they did them kill. Then in a confused mass they fled down the opposite side of the hill In hundreds,driven by sheer force sore against their will; And helter-skelter they did run, For all their positions were carried and the victory won. Then on the 8th of August again Lord Roberts' march began For to fight the rebel Ayoob Khan; And with an army about seven thousand strong On his way to Candahar he fearlessly marched along. And the battle that followed at Candahar was a complete victory, And Lord Roberts' march to Candahar stands unrivalled in history; And let's thank God that sent Lord Roberts to conquer Ayoob Khan, For from that time there's been no more war in Afghanistan. Success to Lord Roberts; he's a very brave man, For he conquered the Afghans in Afghanistan, With an army about seven thousand strong, He spread death and desolation all along.