


理查德·皮高特,伪造者,是个非常坏的人,没有人能否认这一点,因为五十年来他一直从事欺骗的事业,作为伪造者,很少有人能与他匹敌。因为他用伪造的信件指控帕内尔谋杀了凤凰公园,但你看结果如何。当他受到良心的谴责时,他承认了自己的欺诈行为,一想到这一点,他无疑就发疯了。于是他毫不迟延地逃离了伦敦,他知道他在那里无论白天黑夜都不会安全,他登上了一艘开往西班牙的船,以为他会在那里逃脱发现,但一切都白费了。因为当他住在西班牙的一家酒店时,他在房东看来有点疯狂。他注意到自己似乎总是处于恐惧之中,就像一个杀人后逃跑的人。当他在酒店被捕时,他看起来很酷,就像一个无辜的小学生去上学。他对警探们说:“等我拿到我的旅行箱再说。”在拿他的旅行包的时候,他射中了自己。理查德·皮高特就这样死了,他是个大胆的造假者,为了金子,他曾发誓要杀死帕内尔,但上帝的复仇追上了他,帕内尔的生命得救了,我认为这不是罪。 Because he was a man that was very fond of gold, Not altogether of the miser's craving, I've been told, But a craving desire after good meat and drink, And to obtain good things by foul means he never did shrink. He could eat and drink more than two ordinary men, And to keep up his high living by foul means we must him condemn, Because his heart's desire in life was to fare well, And to keep up his good living he tried to betray Parnell. Yes, the villain tried hard to swear his life away, But God protected him by night and by day, And during his long trial in London, without dismay, The noble patriot never flinched nor tried to run away. Richard Pigott was a man that was blinded by his own conceit. And would have robbed his dearest friend all for good meat, To satisfy his gluttony and his own sensual indulgence, Which the inhuman monster considered no great offence. But now in that undiscovered country he's getting his reward, And I'm sure few people have for him little regard, Because he was a villain of the deepest dye, And but few people for him will heave a sigh. When I think of such a monster my blood runs cold, He was like Monteith, that betrayed Wallace for English gold; But I hope Parnell will prosper for many a day In despite of his enemies that fried to swear his life away. Oh! think of his sufferings and how manfully he did stand. During his long trial in London, to me it seems grand. To see him standing at the bar, innocent and upright, Quite cool and defiant, a most beautiful sight. And to the noble patriot, honour be it said, He never was the least afraid To speak on behalf of Home Rule for Ireland, But like a true patriot nobly he did take his stand. And may he go on conquering and conquer to the end, And hoping that God will the right defend, And protect him always by night and by day, At home and abroad when far away. And now since he's set free, Ireland's sons should rejoice And applaud him to the skies, all with one voice, For he's their patriot, true and bold, And an honest, true-hearted gentleman be it told.