


那是在1874年,元旦那天,英国军队在埃尔米纳毫不气馁地登陆,总共有1400把刺刀,沿着海岸角,他们无畏地前进,在加内特·沃尔斯利爵士的指挥下,勇敢的英雄,是国王和国家的荣誉,据说。在他们和库马西之间是一片丛林,但他们勇敢地前进,没有绊倒,在热带的阳光下,超过一百英里,当他们列队前进时,刺刀闪闪发光。考马西必须到达,咖啡王的力量被摧毁,在这之前,英国人非常恼火,吉福德中尉率领他的军队占领了阿德尼西山的山顶,当他们到达山顶时,他们的心充满了喜悦。约翰·麦克劳德爵士被任命为黑人旅的将军;他们大大杀败仇敌、得了亚珊提的一个村庄、像狮子大发烈怒争战。当英军坚不可摧地站在那里,向隐藏在树林里的野蛮部落挺进时,那些人却毫不退缩,而是无畏地走进树林,突然间,一阵枪炮的轰鸣声打破了寂静。现在战斗开始了,黑衣守夜人决定全力以赴,当敌人埋伏在树林中时,高地人却坚守阵地。火枪的轰鸣声传遍了丛林,士兵们仍然蹑手蹑脚地前进,没有绊倒,许多黑衣守夜人受伤或死亡,麦克弗森少校受伤,但他毫不畏惧地召集了他的士兵。战斗持续了5个小时,但高地军逐渐取得了进展,直到风笛吹响了狂野的号角,然后那些浑身发黑的战士们惊愕地逃跑了,因为他们的战友在四面八方倒下了。阿奇博尔德·艾利森爵士率领高地旅,在敌人中制造了巨大的破坏,一个又一个村庄被他们占领并摧毁,直到咖啡国王失去了信心,感到非常恼火。 Sir John McLeod took the command of his own regiment, And with a swinging pace into the jaws of death they went, Fearlessly firing by companies in rotation, Add dashed into a double Zone of Fire without hesitation. And in that manner the Black Watch pressed onward, And the enemy were powerless their progress to retard, Because their glittering bayonets were brought into play, And panic stricken the savage warriors fled in great dismay. Then Sir Garnet Wolseley with his men entered Coomassie at night, Supported by half the rifles and Highlanders- a most beautiful sight, And King Coffee and his army had fled, And thousands of his men on the field were left dead. And King Coffee, he was crushed at last, And the poor King felt very downcast, And his sorrow was really profound, When he heard that Coomassie was burned to the ground. Then the British embarked for England without delay, And with joy their hearts felt gay, And by the end of March they reached England, And the reception they received was very grand.