


战斗就是在阿尔玛高地开始的。但俄国人转身逃跑;因为科林·坎贝尔爵士的高地旅用刺刀击溃了他们,很快就结束了战斗。科林·坎贝尔爵士他大声喊道,让高地人前进吧,他们要么胜利,要么死亡,我们在这里只有高地人的帽子,所以前进吧,伙计们,欢呼吧。然后,他们勇敢而迅速地渡了河,但他们当中没有一个人因恐惧而颤抖,他们爬到高处,静静地站在山顶上,每个人似乎都急于尽力而为。这场战斗是二十对一,但勇敢的英国军队决心为一个人而死,当子弹把他们砍倒,留下难看的缺口,炮弹尖叫着,呼啸着,发出可怕的裂缝。在阿尔玛高地上,这是一个关键时刻,看到高地旅真是太棒了,听到军官们对他们的士兵大喊,伙计们,我告诉你们怎么打他们。关闭!关闭!站稳,我的孩子们;站稳,伙计们,站稳,想想我们的欢乐; If we only conquer the Russians this day, Our fame will be handed down to posterity for ever and aye. Still forward! Forward! My lads was the cry, And from the redoubt make them fly; And at length the Russians had to give way, And fled from the redoubt in wild dismay. Still the fate of the battle hung in the balance, But Sir Colin knew he had still a chance, But one weak officer in fear loudly shouted, Let the Guards fall back, or they'll be totally routed. Then Sir Colin Campbell did make reply, 'Tis better, Sir, that every man of the Guards should die, And to be found dead on this bloody field, Than to have it said they fled and were forced to yield. Then the Coldstreams on the highlanders' right Now advanced to engage the enemy in the fight, But then they halted, unable to go forward, Because the Russians did their progress retard. But now came the turning point of the battle, While the Russian guns loudly did rattle; Then Sir Colin turned to the plumed Highland array, And in stirring tones to them did say-- Be steady, keep silence, my lads, don't be afraid, And make me proud of my Highland Brigade; Then followed the command, sharp and clear, While the war notes of the 42d bagpipes smote the ear. The soldiers, though young, were cool and steady, And to face the enemy they were ever ready, And still as the bare-kneed line unwavering came on It caused the Russians to shake and look woebegone. And now as the din of the fight grew greater, Fear filled the hearts of the Russian giants in stature, Because the kilted heroes they fought so well That they thought they had come from the regions of hell. Oh! it was a most beautiful and magnificent display To see the Highland Brigade in their tartan array, And their tall bending plumes in a long line, The scene was inspiring and really sublime. Then, terror-stricken by this terrible advancing line, The Russians broke down and began to whine, And they turned round and fled with a moaning cry, Because they were undone and had to fly. Then the crisis was past and the victory won, Which caused Sir Colin Campbell to cry, Well done, And, raising his hand, gave the signal to cheer, Which was responded to by hurrahs, loud and clear.