


唉!人们现在确实在为失去Wm而叹息和呻吟。埃沃特·格莱斯顿,他是一位伟大的政治家和道德高尚的人,要否认这一点,很少有人能做到。那是在1898年5月19日,他的灵魂永远地飞走了,他的尸体被埋葬在威斯敏斯特教堂;但我希望他的灵魂已经到了天堂的彼岸,在那里所有的考验和烦恼都将永远停止。他是一个才智过人、才华横溢的人,他日夜忠于他的女王,在政治斗争中总是站在最前列;至于他对人类的贡献,上帝会报答他的。送葬的队伍装出一副看不见的样子。成千上万的人,不同程度地聚集在那里;当队伍离开威斯敏斯特大厅时,已经快十一点了,死者的朋友们——医生和所有的人——都在场。大批警察也在那里,观众的脸上带着可怜的表情,但他们在各方面都很有秩序,报童也在毫不拖延地出售出版物。 Present in the procession was Lord Playfair, And Bailie Walcot was also there, Also Mr Macpherson of Edinboro- And all seemingly to be in profound sorrow. The supporters of the coffin were the Earl Rosebery, And the Right Honourable Earl of Kimberley, And the Right Honourable Sir W. Vernon he was there, And His Royal Highness the Duke of York, I do declare. George Armitstead, Esq., was there also, And Lord Rendal, with his heart full of woe; And the Right Honourable Duke of Rutland, And the Right Honourable Arthur J. Balfour, on the right hand; Likewise the noble Marquis of Salisbury, And His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, of high degree. And immediately behind the coffin was Lord Pembroke, The representative of Her Majesty, and the Duke of Norfolk, Carrying aloft a beautiful short wand, The insignia of his high, courtly office, which looked very grand. And when the procession arrived at the grave, Mrs Gladstone was there, And in her countenance was depicted a very grave air; And the dear, good lady seemed to sigh and moan For her departed, loving husband, Wm. Ewart Gladstone. And on the opposite side of her stood Lord Pembroke, And Lord Salisbury, who wore a skull cap and cloak; Also the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Rutland, And Mr Balfour and Lord Spencer, all looking very bland. And the clergy were gathered about the head of the grave, And the attention of the spectators the Dean did crave; Then he said, "Man that is born of woman hath a short time to live, But, Oh, Heavenly Father! do thou our sins forgive." Then Mrs Gladstone and her two sons knelt down by the grave, Then the Dean did the Lord's blessing crave, While Mrs Gladstone and her some knelt, While the spectators for them great pity felt. The scene was very touching and profound, To see all the mourners bending their heads to the ground, And, after a minute's most silent prayer, The leave-taking at the grave was affecting, I do declare. Then Mrs Gladstone called on little Dorothy Drew, And immediately the little girl to her grandmamma flew, And they both left the grave with their heads bowed down, While tears from their relatives fell to the ground. Immortal Wm. Ewart Gladstone! I must conclude my muse, And to write in praise of thee my pen does not refuse- To tell the world, fearlessly, without the least dismay, You were the greatest politician in your day.