


1762年,法国和西班牙决定联合起来,粉碎英国;但是英国军队在五月从英国起航,毫不拖延地抵达哈瓦那。英国军队决定在陆地上作战,英国军队的样子真的很壮观;英国军队由阿尔伯马尔伯爵指挥,他们一登陆就迫不及待地准备战斗。英国人必须做的是一项艰巨而艰苦的工作,然而他们怀着诚挚的善意飞向了它;热带的阳光炙烤着他们,但可怜的士兵们努力工作,没有皱眉。轰炸于6月30日开始,从英国战列舰上发出猛烈的轰鸣声;从早晨六点一直持续到下午两点,法国人和西班牙人愁眉苦脸地闷闷不乐。到7月26日,莫罗堡的大炮被摧毁,法国人和西班牙人非常恼火;因为英军毫不惊慌地进入堡垒,用刺刀毫不迟延地将他们赶出堡垒。 But for the safety of the city the Governor organised a night attack, Thinking to repulse the British and drive them back; And with fifteen hundred militia he did the British attack, But the British trench guards soon drove them back. Then the Spandiards were charged and driven down the hill, At the point of the bayonet sore against their will; And they rushed to their boats, the only refuge they could find, Leaving a trail of dead and wounded behind. Then Lieutenant Forbes, at the head of his men, Swept round the ramparts driving all before them; And with levelled bayonets they drove them to and fro, Then the British flag was hoisted over the bastions of Moro. Then the Governor of the castle fell fighting sword in hand, While rallying his men around the flagstaff the scene was grand; And the Spaniards fought hard to save their ships of war, But the British destroyed their ships and scattered them afar. And every man in the Moro Fort was bayonet or shot, Which in Spanish history will never be forgot; And on the 10th of August Lord Albemarle sent a flag of truce, And summoned the Governor to surrender, but he seemed to refuse. Then from the batteries the British opened a terrific fire, And the Spaniards from their guns were forced to retire, Because no longer could they the city defend; Then the firing ceased and hostilities were at an end. Then the city of Havana surrendered unconditionally, And terms were settled, and the harbour, forts, and city, With a district of one hundred miles to the westward, And loads of gold and silver were the British troops' reward. And all other valuable property was brought to London, The spoils that the British Army had won; And it was conveyed in grand procession to the Tower of London, And the Londoners applauded the British for the honours they had won.