


美丽的鸟窝,最迷人的是在夏天,当你的树是绿色的;尤其是在晴朗的六月,当你的鲜花和灌木盛开的时候。在那里,游客可以尽情享受假期,在树荫下遮阳,欣赏生长在那里的美丽报春花;吸入空气中弥漫的芬芳。在漫长的夏日里,孩子们在美丽的绿色阴凉的凉亭里嬉戏玩耍,追逐蜜蜂和蝴蝶,摘花。鲦鱼们在那里嬉戏;整天在小溪里;就在那仙女般的洞穴里,九只或十只成群结队,小燕子和黑鸟欢快地歌唱,用它们的音符把洞穴震得叮当响;从中午到晚上日落,充满了游客的心与喜悦。最可爱的是看到树木在头顶上拱起,小溪在它的卵石床上流淌,附近有一个古老的磨坊; Likewise an old Church and Churchyard where the dead lie still. The Den is always cool in the summer time, Because it is so closely shaded from the sunshine, By the spreading branches of the trees, While the murmuring of the rivulet is heard on the night breeze. It is a very magnificent spot the Den o' Fowlis, And where oft the wintry wind it howls, Among its bare end leafless withered trees, And with fear wonld almost make one's heart to freeze. To be walking through it on a dark wintry night, Because the bare trees seem like spectres to your sight, And everything around seems dark and drear, And fills the timid mind with an undefinable fear. But in the summer season it is most lovely to see; With its fair flowers and romantic scenery, Where the people can enjoy themselves all the day, In the months of July, June, or May. There the people can drink pure water when they are dry; From the wells of spring water in the Den near by, Which God has provided for his creatures in that lonely spot, And such a blessing to the people shouldn't be forgot.