


1650年5月21日,空气中传来了鼓声和号声,爱丁堡城陷入了恐慌之中,这巨大的声音引起了蒙特罗斯的注意。他向卫兵队长询问此事的原因,那军官按他认为最恰当的方式对他说,议会害怕有人企图营救他,于是士兵们被召集起来,于是闹了起来。“我,”蒙特罗斯说,“还要继续这样恐怖下去吗?”现在,当这些好人要流我的血的时候,让他们自己想想吧,因为我死后,他们的邪恶良心会不断地感到恐惧。吃了一顿丰盛的早餐后,他开始梳洗,即使在最困难的时候,他也很少忘记梳洗。在他梳头的时候,登记员来找他,他盯着他看,告诉他不要太在意自己的头,因为再过几个小时他就会死去;可是蒙特罗斯回答说:“只要我的头是我自己的,我就随意把它打扮起来,明天,等它成了你的,随你怎么对待它吧。”他受到了城市长官的接待,但是,唉!他们一点也不怜悯他。他穿着一件华丽的斗篷,上面镶着金银花边。 And before the hour of execution an immense assemblage of people were round the place. From the prison, bareheaded, in a cart, they conveyed him along the Watergate To the place of execution on the High Street, where about thirty thousand people did wait, Some crying and sighing, a most pitiful sight to see, All waiting patiently to see the executioner hang Montrose, a man of high degree. Around the place of execution, all of them were deeply affected, But Montrose, the noble hero, seemed not the least dejected; And when on the scaffold he had, says his biographer Wishart, Such a grand air and majesty, which made the people start. As the fatal hour was approaching when he had to bid the world adieu, He told the executioner to make haste and get quickly through, But the executioner smiled grimly, but spoke not a word, Then he tied the Book of Montrose's Wars round his neck with a cord. Then he told the executioner his foes would remember him hereafter, And he was as well pleased as if his Majesty had made him Knight of the Garter; Then he asked to be allowed to cover his head, But he was denied permission, yet he felt no dread. He then asked leave to keep on his cloak, But was also denied, which was a most grievous stroke; Then he told the Magistrates, if they could invent any more tortures for him, He would endure them all for the cause he suffered, and think it no sin. On arriving at the top of the ladder with great firmness, His heroic appearance greatly did the bystanders impress, Then Montrose asked the executioner how long his body would be suspended, Three hours was the answer, but Montrose was not the least offended. Then he presented the executioner with three or four pieces of gold, Whom he freely forgave, to his honour be it told, And told him to throw him off as soon as he uplifted his hands, While the executioner watched the fatal signal, and in amazement stands. And on the noble patriot raising his hands, the executioner began to cry, Then quickly he pulled the rope down from the gibbet on high, And around Montrose's neck he fixed the rope very gently, And in an instant the great Montrose was launched into eternity. Then the spectators expressed their disapprobation by general groan, And they all dispersed quietly, and wended their way home And his bitterest enemies that saw his death that day, Their hearts were filled with sorrow and dismay. Thus died, at the age of thirty-eight, James Graham, Marquis of Montrose, Who was brought to a premature grave by his bitter foes; A commander who had acquired great military glory In a short space of time, which cannot be equalled in story.